Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mothers Day Gift Guide - Vella Box Candle Subscription #VellaBox

 If you're anything like me, you always have to have a candle burning in the house. A scented candle really helps to lighten the mood.  A pleasant scent brightens up the house and a the warm flame is relaxing. I always love trying new candle scents and I especially enjoy soy candles, so I was excited to give Vella Box a try. They are a subscription box that sends high quality candles directly to  your doorstep every month, giving you the chance to experiment with new and exotic scents. 

In April, the Vella Box included several unique varieties including: Sugar & Huckleberry, Moonlight, and  The light, earthy scents really brighten up the room and promote a feeling of peace and tranquility. Because the candle is soy based, it burns evenly without creating any black soot. I've been burning mine for a few weeks now and have only used up about half of the candles. The long lasting formula makes them a great investment and the relaxing scents make them perfect for mediation or yoga practice. They even come in lovely jars that could easily be re-purposed once your candle melts down.  In addition to the candles, there were a few samples of Mrs. Myers hand creams including in this month's box.

With most of the country still on lock down, taking Mother's Day special might be complicated. You can't visit and most local stores aren't selling gift items. Vella Box is a great solution. You can give you mother or any special lady in your life a subscription that will bring a little life into their lives during this dark period. Not only in May, but for as many months as you like. Select from subscriptions ranging from three months to one year. To learn more about Vella Box and all they have to offer, be sure to visit their website or follow them on social media.

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