Friday, October 11, 2019

A Discovery of Witches on DVD

Acorn features the DVD and Blu-ray debut of the supernatural thriller and Sundance Now/Shudder Original Series A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES on October 29, 2019. Based on the critically acclaimed and bestselling “All Souls” trilogy by Deborah Harkness, A Discovery of Witches is a modern-day love story, set in a world where witches, vampires and demons secretly live and work alongside humans, hidden in plain sight. The series has already been renewed for two more series. The DVD and Blu-ray 2-Disc features 8 episodes, plus featurettes about characters, mythology, and TV magic ($39.99, A Discovery of Witches premiered on AMC Networks’ Sundance Now and Shudder in January 2019 and also broadcast on AMC and BBC America.

Brilliant historian Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer, Warm Bodies, Hacksaw Ridge) is a witch denying her own heritage. But when she unexpectedly calls up an ancient, bewitched manuscript from Oxford’s Bodleian library, she finds herself thrown into the heart of a dangerous mystery – and into the path of the enigmatic geneticist and vampire Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode, Downton Abbey, Watchmen). Their unlikely alliance to find the book before it falls into the wrong hands – and their deepening relationship – threatens to violate age-old taboos and shake the fragile peace that exists between the species. A Discovery of Witches also stars Owen Teale (Game of Thrones), Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, ER), Lindsay Duncan (The Leftovers, Sherlock), Trevor Eve (Waking the Dead), Valarie Pettiford (Half & Half), Malin Buska (The Girl King) and Aiysha Hart (Line of Duty).

Street Date: October 29, 2019              SRP: $39.99     
DVD 2-Disc Set: 8 episodes – Approx. 355 min. – UPC 054961278992
Bonus: Featurettes about characters, mythology, and TV magic (45 min.)

My Thoughts

A Discovery of Witches centers around a young woman named Diana. She's a historian and her research leads her to discovery a secret about herself. She's a witch, and her awakening powers throw the magical world into chaos. She meets a vampire and their blossoming relationship up-heave everything.

1- An American historian named Diana learns she is a witch when she finds an ancient manuscript. Soon a vampires show up and her entire world is turned upside down.

2- Diana has no idea the trouble she has stirred up in the magical world as she continued to explore her heritage.  Peter sends Satu to try to scare her.

3- Gerbert the vampire gets the information he was hoping for. Diana refuses to help Knox go after vampires.

4 - Matthew tries to help Diana but some other vampires don't want to help a warm blood.  The Congregation denounces Matthew and his brother makes a power play.

5- Gillian faces the consequences of her disloyalty.  Magical creatures all want to end the relationship between Diana and Matthew.

6- Diana is tortured by Satu. Matthew vows to hunt down anyone who hurts her.

7 - Diana learns why her powers were bound when she was a kid. A missing page from Ashmole 782 is revealed.

8- Matthew struggles to release Diana.  When Matthew almost dies, Diana must make a terrible promise to the Goddess to save him

This is a really awesome paranormal series. I love the blend of witchcraft and vampire lure. Every episode is action packed and the actors are all perfect for their roles. It's a magical journey and I'm excited to see where it leads in the second season. If you want to grab a copy of this amazing DVD set, you can find it online on Acorn Media or Amazon.