Friday, April 24, 2015

Moustache Coffee Club - The Fresh Roasted Coffee Subscription

I can't get started in the morning without a pot of coffee. I would have it pumped intravenously if it were possible. When I chose to be a stay-at-home mom, I had to cut back on a lot of things, but gourmet coffee is the one luxury I still indulge in. I enjoy all types of roasts--dark, light, espressos, flavored--and I'm always testing out new varieties and brands.  When I heard about the Moustache Coffee Club, I knew it was going to be the perfect subscription for me. You can choose between weekly, biweekly, or monthly delivery, but no matter which option you chose, you get a full pound of coffee for only $19 each!

I received a bag of Moustache Coffee that came all the way from Djimma, Ethopia. Each bag tells you exactly where your coffee was grown and when it was roasted. It even lets you know how long you should wait until you start drinking it. My bag was fresh roasted on 4/8, and contains notes of jabutucaba, honey berry, langsat, and thimbleberry. This is a nice dark roast. The bold flavor will definitely chase the clouds away in the morning. 

Each bag of coffee contains twelve ounces of beans and is enough to brew sixteen perfect cups.  This may vary depending on your brewer and your personal taste.  If you're a coffee connoisseur, the Moustache Coffee Club is a subscription service you can't afford to pass up.  For $19 a week, you get a pound of coffee. Even the shipping is free. It's a great deal and a fun way to try new coffees without a lot hassle.

Free Trial

Want to try this amazing service for free? You can order a free 2 oz bag and sample this high quality coffee at no charge to you! (Credit card info is required).

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Sherry Butcher said... 1

I love the dark roast coffee esp. first thing in the morning. Sounds worth looking into for me. TFS.

Sandra Watts said... 2

Nice. I would love that. I gotta have my coffee!