Thursday, May 1, 2014

Anna Naturals Hand-Blended Herbal Teas #Giveaway

Anna Naturals

The story of Anna Naturals:
A mama made a promise to herself, that when her daughter was born she would do everything possible to give her the best care, including breastfeeding for at least a year. Six months after her baby girl was born, that mama started to struggle with nursing. Working full time and a high-stress career made keeping her supply up nearly impossible. On the advice of family and friends, she tried fenugreek tea. It was a miracle brew! Her supply was up and her baby was happy. Only problem was the taste of the tea was horrible. She could barely choke down the cups every day. There had to be a better way.

Our of her desperation to find a way to actually like this awful, miracle tea, the popular Nursing Mama blend was born. It wasn't until friends of friends and cousins of cousins started asking for the tea that this mama realized she could share this blend with mamas everywhere. Thanks to her beautiful daughter, Anna, the blends were packaged and Anna Naturals was born.

The first two blends to hit the market were Nursing Mama and Pregnancy. Taking the well-known and widely used herbs fenugreek and red raspberry leaf, and blending them with fruits, citrus and flowers to make them as appealing as they are beneficial. Soon thereafter, requests started coming in for more blends and Keep it Down for morning sickness, New Mama for the first weeks postpartum, and Preconception for mamas trying to conceive (TTC) were created. Anna Naturals now blends over ten different herbal teas - each one for a different purpose, but all naturally tasty.

After a while, it was hard to keep our "you shouldn't have to give up anything to get a natural product" vision to just herbal teas, so we developed a line of bath and body products. Our soaps and lotions are all natural, completely free of harsh chemicals such as parabens, DEA and sulfate, and lightly scented using only essential oils. These bath and body products are blended with organic botanicals, vitamins and moisturizing elements such as aloe vera and cucumber extract to be as nourishing as they are natural.

So that's our story! We'd love to be part of yours!

Here's what Anna Naturals offers:

Hand-Blended Herbal Teas:
Our teas are hand blended, herbal teas made from organic and all natural ingredients.  Our herbs are sourced from a vendor that does a battery of tests on their products to make sure they are safe, non-GMO, unaltered and pesticide-free. They are specifically blended for preconception, pregnancy, after delivery and nursing. The ingredients used (herbs like red raspberry leaf, fenugreek and lady's mantle) are widely known, but also known to not taste very pleasant. I personally have used both red raspberry leaf tea and fenugreek tea, and found myself struggling to stay with the regimen because it was so unpleasant to drink it every day. While the herbs work really well, the tastes were awful. So, by using ingredients like chamomile, hibiscus, and rosehip along with fruits and citrus we were able to create teas that are not only beneficial but actually taste amazing, too! Our goal is to provide women with a tea that tastes great and smells great, to encourage them to use these beneficial herbs.

All Natural and Organic Bar Soaps:
Our soaps are handmade with aloe, shea butter and olive oil and contain absolutely no chemicals or additives. We offer both all natural soaps lightly scented with essential oils, and organic soaps with all organic ingredients. As with our teas, we don't sacrifice aroma or lather for having chemical-free soaps. They are ah-ma-zing!

All Natural Hand & Body Lotion:
Our lotions are paraben-free and loaded with nutrients such as Vitamins A, C and E along with botanicals like chamomile, aloe vera and cucumber. Again, not compromising on scent we have developed lotions with all natural extracts to provide a variety of scents to soothe and warm the body as the lotion nourishes the skin.

Our Thoughts

I asked for the Hand-Blended Herbal Tea for Nursing Moms. Even though I am making enough milk for Mackenzie it's always nice to have something on hand just in case I need it for some reason.

This tea is fantastic. It does taste like Fenugreek so I do add honey to it to sweeten it but other than that, the taste is pleasant. After about 48 hours my milk supply increased to the point that I was making more than Mackenzie needed and I was able to pump to store some more breastmilk in the freezer. Now, since Mackenzie will not take a bottle and is old enough to go more than a couple hours without me, I have planned that any extra milk I am making will be donated to a milk bank.

This tea is fantastic for the mom who needs a little extra boost to start up her milk supply to accommodate her baby during a growth spurt or even for a momma that needs to pump and supply her baby with breastmilk for daycare.

You can check out Anna Naturals on their website, Facebook or Twitter.

One lucky winner is going to receive a Hand-Blended Herbal Tea from Anna Naturals! To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway will end on  5/22/14  at 12:00am EST. Open to the US only. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Anna Naturals for offering this fantastic prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Unknown said...

Energize Tea looks good!!

Unknown said...

Oh, I think I'd have a tough time choosing between the Sweet Dreams tea and the Energize tea.

tscatterton57 said...

Cool Down Tea I could use this one when I have hot flashes darn menopause

Kelly O said...

I would choose the Energize Tea. It looks yummy, and I could use some energy!

Let's Grow said...

i would like to try the preconception tea.

Unknown said...

New Mama Tea would be great to try.

CAT said...

At Anna Naturals I'd like to try the Energize Herbal green tea (with ginseng, chia seed & red raspberry leaf tea. Sounds really good.

aperry said...

I would like to try the Energize Tea

Anonymous said...

Going through peri-menopause and have the horrid night sweats--so Cool Me Down tea would be the best answer for me.

amp said...

I could really use their Sweet Dreams Tea.

apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I think I would like to try the Cycle-Ease Tea.

Unknown said...

Energize tea!

Unknown said...

I like the cycle ease or the sleepy time tea.

fearless_fallen_angel said...

cool down tea!

nickieisis3 said...

I'd like to try the Energize tea!

Savanna said...

That Rosehip tea sounds pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

ROSEHIP tea is the best.

Lauren Olivia Wood said...

I'd love the Cycle-Ease Tea!

alison james said...

Keep it down tea

leah said...

Id love to try new mama tea

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'd love to try the Energize Tea.

An Apel a Day said...

New Mama Tea looks great!

Denise S. said...

I need to try the Energize Tea.

Alison James said...

Sweet Dreams tea would be my choice. It would be great if Anna's teas came in a sample package to try all of them, they all look sooo good.

Unknown said...

I would like the sweet dream tea .

Jenni Wins said...

I would love to try the sweet dream tea.

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the sweet dreams tea.

Erica C. said...

The energize tea seems good.

Unknown said...

I'd love to try the Sweet Dreams Tea.

Jessica said...

I would love the energize tea! Im always so tired from running after my 3 young daughters.

- Epic Fail said...

I would love to try the Energize Tea

Unknown said...

I would like the Energize Tea. Taking care of a family of 7, I need all of the energy I can get.

Sky Evans said...

I'd like sweet dreams tea.

Kayla said...

I'd like to try Sweet Dreams Tea.

Kathy P said...

id love to try the Energize Tea

Unknown said...

I would love to try the sweet dreams tea. Maybe that will help me sleep at night!

Unknown said...

I would love to try their Sweet Dreams Tea.

susansmoaks said...

i want to try the just right lotion

Tylerpants said...

I want to try their Sweet Dreams Tea. Lisa L tylerpants(at)

Buddy Garrett said...

I would love the Energize Tea.

kris Mihalov said...

I would choose the Energize Tea.

Breanne said...

I'd like to try the Sweet Dreams Tea

trixx said...

I've been having a hard time sleeping, so I'd love to try the Sweet Dreams tea.

Simone said...

I would like to try the Energize Tea.

Anonymous said...

I think I would love Sweet Dreams Tea!