Monday, March 24, 2014

Healthy Breakfast Tips & Tricks - Avocados From Mexico

Healthy Breakfast Tips & Tricks - Avocados From Mexico

The USDA states 44% of Americans eat breakfast every day. This means over half of the American population skips the most important meal of the day! According to a recent study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health, “Skipping breakfast may lead to one or more risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which may in turn lead to a heart attack over time.”

So, if you’re just looking for new tips to jump start your day and boost your metabolism, author and host of Pati’s Mexican Table, Chef Pati Jinich, showcases unique quick and easy recipe ideas for spring time breakfasts with a very special ingredient: Avocados! From eggs and pancakes, to parfaits and smoothies, fresh avocados from Mexico can be incorporated into any of your morning go-to meals. They’re an extremely versatile fruit that adds creamy, rich texture and nearly 20 good-for you nutrients taking your morning favorites to the next level.

We interviewed Pati about healthy breakfast tips & tricks, using avacados from Mexico ~ she gave us her personal replies in this
YouTube video!

Pati also answers some questions:

Q: Are avocados considered a fruit or a vegetable?
A: Avocados are considered a fruit.

Q: How can you incorporate avocados from Mexico if you are following a specific diet?
A: Fresh avocados fit a variety of different meal plans because of their nutritional content. Avocados are nutrient dense and are sodium and cholesterol free. They can be used in recipes to replace dairy and address lactose allergy or vegan lifestyle.

Q: How do I know when an avocado is ripe?
You can spot a ripe avocado from Mexico by its green-black pebbly textured skin. When you hold the avocado, it should feel heavy for its size and have no mushy spots. Avocados mature on the tree, but they soften and develop their fullest flavor after picking. You can count on a firm green avocado to ripen within three to four days. If the skin is a mottled color – green with black patches – it will be ready to use in a shorter time, two to three days.

Q: How can I store an avocado?
A: Whole avocados can be stored at room temperature in an area with good circulation to continue their ripening. For speedier ripening, keep avocados in a closed paper bag. To slow down ripening, refrigerate them until a few days before use. When saving part of an avocado for later use, cover the exposed flesh with plastic wrap to slow oxidation.

Q: How do I slice an avocado?
A: There are several different methods of slicing an avocado and even specific tools to do so. Personally, I like to slice the avocado straight down longitudinally. Then, twist it until it separates into two halves, strike the pit with your knife, and pop the pit from the center of the avocado halve.

Q: Are avocados good for you?
A: Avocados are nutritious and contribute good fats to your diet. One ounce or 3 slices of an avocado has 50 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, making it a good choice to help meet nutrient needs. Avocados are also sodium and cholesterol free and using them in place of common “bread spreads” may help reduce your intake of saturated fat, sodium and calories. 

Q: How can I encourage my kids to eat healthfully and incorporate avocados into their diet?
A: There’s nothing better than setting an example for your children – if your children see you eating and enjoying nutritious ingredients that you want them to eat, they are more likely to want to delve into the experience. Another tip I have to encourage kids to eat healthily is to make dishes that they can help assemble in a fun way so they feel that it is their choice to add those elements into a dish. Kids also love rolling, stacking, and dipping while cooking, so with that in mind, I love to use avocado in those formats. An avocado smoothie is a great way to give your children something that tastes delicious and is good for them.

Q: What do you think the biggest obstacle is for getting people to choose a healthy breakfast over fast food? Time, convenience, taste, or something else?
A: I think the biggest obstacle to get people to choose to eat healthy is that not everyone is aware of how easy it is to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your breakfast and other meals.

Q: What advice would you give to parents of picky eaters?
A: My advice to parents of picky eaters is to set an example for your children. When they see you eating something, they’ll likely want to try it as well.

Q: Sometimes my son doesn’t want to eat breakfast. How do I motivate him when he’d rather be sleeping than eating?
A: Make him something delicious, like and avocado, mango and berry smoothie, or oatmeal, avocado and agave pancakes! He’ll receive all the nutrition while enjoying something super tasty! If you let your children participate in the kitchen with you (kids love making a mess in the kitchen), they’ll be more eager to participate and eat.

Q: What is your favorite way to prepare avocados?
A: I prepare avocados in so many different ways that it’s hard to pick a favorite! I especially love to incorporate fresh avocados from Mexico into my breakfast meals, because it’s a great way to jump start your day. One of my favorite ways to use avocados is topped in sandwiches or rolled in tortillas, like in the Melted Cheese Scramble & Avocado Breakfast Burrito.

Q: How can you save money on food while traveling with kids?
A: You can save money on food while traveling with kids by preparing ahead of time and bringing food along with you. I always pack some fresh fruits and veggies so I’m always prepared when we are on the go.

Q: Can you share your favorite recipe for guacamole?
A: One of my favorite guacamole recipes is a Mango Guacamole:

Breakfast Recipies:

Chopped egg & avocado sandwich 

Cheese scramble

Avocado, mango, and berry smoothie

Avocado, oatmeal, and agave pancake



About Pati Jinich:
Pati Jinich was born and raised in Mexico and comes from a family of accomplished cooks. She is the host of a highly popular PBS series called Pati’s Mexican Table, a culinary program which consists of cooking demonstrations, tasting dinners and workshops, and has appeared on The Chew, The Talk, The Better Show, The Today Show. Jinich has also been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Eater, and The Daily Meal.

You can also find more great recipes and tips on!

Visit Pati at Pati's Mexican Table, on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Our Thoughts:
I love avacados (in fact, I just finished eating half of one before I started typing!) so I was happy to interview Pati Jinich about healthy breakfast tips & tricks involving avacados fresh from Mexico! Pati answered my breakfast/avacado questions to her in a customized Youtube Video, and is full of great nutritional information. 

I think one of my favorite ways to eat a fresh Mexican avocado is to mash 1/2 an avocado with 1 ripe banana and about 1/4 c unrefined coconut oil, topped with fresh or frozen fruit.  Or, use coconut milk instead of coconut oil, add some spinach and make a smoothie!  Filling, delicious, and nutritious! Enjoy!