Thursday, January 16, 2014

Readings by The Light #Giveaway - Open Worldwide!

 Divination is an ancient practice that has been incorporated into many different spiritual paths for generations. There are many forms of divination including tarot cards, pendulums, scrying bowls, palms reading and tea leaves--and that is only a few methods.  When most people think of divination, they normally think of getting hints of the future, but actually there are many things you can discover through a reading. You can see your past lives, meet your spirit guides, discover your animal totem, speak to those who have crossed over and so much more. The possibilities are really limitless.

 I believe we all have the capabilities to divine. I personally love to draw a tarot card every day to get an idea of what the day will bring. I have even done a few readings for friends. But there are some people who are especially gifted in these magical arts. Amber from Readings by the Light is one of those people. Whether you want to know which  of your Chakras may need a little tuning up or whether your love life is on the right track, Readings by the Light can give you the answers you seek. Amber currently offers eighteen different readings with more listings to come. Take a peek at her store and get a glimpse into your future in the process.

The Giveaway

One lucky winner is going to receive a free reading from Readings by the Light! Choose any reading in the shop! To enter just fill in the rafflecopter form below. Open worldwide! Ends 2/6/14 at 12:00 EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received no form of compensation for this post.


Christanna Tucker said...

Probably the full year ahead reading.

ale ol said...

Unknown said...

If I won, I would choose the Full Life Past reading. I strongly feel that I have wandered off the path I was supposed to follow and need guidance.

wen budro said...

I would prob choose the year ahead o r the life path reading.

meowshirl said...

Thank you so much for giveaway. If I won, I would like to get Full Career Psychic Reading because I am going through some difficult challenges at work. I've got doubts. Again, thank you.

Ehara Poetry said...

I will choose The Year Ahead Full Twelve (12) Card Angel Spread. Thanks for holding this giveaway

Unknown said...

I would choose the Full Life Past reading

KV H said...

I'd choose the Dream Analysis and Psychic Reading.