Friday, August 2, 2013

Harvest Snaps Review

***Product was received for free in exchange for an honest review.***

Move over, potato chips, there is a new superhero snack in town! Everyone loves snacks, but finding good-for-you options always seemed like a nearly-impossible task. You always had to sacrifice something; whether it was taste or health benefits. Now you can indulge in guilt-free snacking! Introducing Harvest Snaps, a healthier snack option!

Formerly known as Snapea Crisps, Harvest Snaps is launching new flavors under the Snapea and Lentil varieties that will appeal to all snack fans. Super crunchy and full of flavor, Harvest Snaps’ Snapea Crisps are made from naturally dried peas, which make up 70% of the product, while Lentil Snaps are made from 65% Lentils and contain 5g of protein and 13% of your daily fiber.

Harvest Snaps will undoubtedly impress your taste buds. Snapea Crisps are available in four different varieties: Lightly Salted, Caesar, Black Pepper and Wasabi Ranch. Lentil Snaps’ Tomato Basil and Onion Thyme flavors will surely satisfy the most demanding gourmands. Unlike many other snacks on the market, Harvest Snaps are baked, not fried. They are also lower in fat and sodium than traditional snacks.

Irresistibly crunchy, Harvest Snaps will appeal to snackers of all ages. This is something you would want to keep in your office desk or purse for a mid-day snack. Snapea Crisps are perfect for a delicious crunchy salad topping. They also make an ideal addition to lunch boxes and after school snacks. 

Our Thoughts
This is a snack I can get behind! Not all processed like everything else out there and my kiddos like it! I was surprised that they had a nutty taste to them but you could still taste the flavoring over the nutty taste. The different flavors really added variety for the different tastebuds of my family. The Wasabi Ranch was reserved for my husband and he thought they were fantastic!

The winner as a favorite among all the children (and myself) was the Tomato Basil though.

I was a bit afraid the kids would be afraid to try them because they were bright red in color, however after a timid bite they ended up devouring the entire bag in one sitting. I did get a small taste though and wowzers, packed with flavor! I love anything basil flavored though so these were going to be a hit no matter what.

My second favorite were the Caesar, as nothing beats Caesar salads in my opinion. Having the different flavors of these chips it was nice to have a quick snack but almost feel like you were eating a mini-meal because of how they tasted. Much better than your conventional potato chips!

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Reviewed by jackie

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***