Friday, August 2, 2013

Book Review: The Dooples

*** Product was received for free in exchange for an honest review. ***

Meet The Dooples

The Dooples are a group of writing implementations who come to life in a collection of books and a musical animation that motivate children to think, learn and communicate.

Children ages 3-8 identify with the Dooples' struggles to learn the important skills and strategies needed for life-long learning. The Dooples teach traditional foundation skills in order to prepare children for success across the curriculum.

  • LITERACY__reading, writing, listening, speaking
  • MATHEMATICS__communicating, reasoning, thinking, problem solving
  • SOCIAL SKILLS__collaboration, teamwork, risk taking, self esteem

The Adventures of the Dooples is a carefully planned series whose sequence is designed to meet the developmental needs of the preschool child. The fairytales combines the elements that capture the child's attention--rhyme, rhythm, and repetition.

The Dooples were created by Dr. Lynn Hunter to combine education with entertainment and aid learning with rhyme, rhythm and repetition. She believes that it’s important to maintain ongoing learning throughout the year and that children become more engaged with story-based education.

Dr. Hunter recently premiered “The Dooples in the Land of Doo” animated film and introduced new characters such as a “marker” named Marcus, a “pen” named Penny, a "crayon" named Spectrina, and the wisest Doople in the Land of Doo, Mr. Doo Ba Dee Doo, who all learn by “Doo-ing.”

The Dooples were created to help facilitate elementary-school aged kids everywhere with learning new concepts, using "everyday tools" they are very familiar with.

Learn more about The Dooples at, and visit them on Facebook

Meet The Dooples on Youtube!

Purchase The Dooples on Amazon!

Our Thoughts
When Meet The Dooples book arrived on my doorstep, I opened it and immediately showed it to my son.  He normally takes awhile to warm up to anything new - anywhere from hours to weeks, but he was all over this book!  It's a cute book about writing implements that come to life to learn, write, and draw at night.  He wanted me to read it to him right away, and he spent a good portion of the afternoon paging thru it himself. 

Then later he requested I read it to him again.  He really likes books with meter and rhyme and Meet The Dooples has lots of that!  He likes this book so much that I'll be watching for the animated film, The Dooples in the Land of Doo, as well as future books!

Big thumbs up from me (and him)!!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***