Monday, May 15, 2023

Give Your Car Personality With CarLashes


I've been raising kids for twenty-three years now. Being a mom is great, but with a car filled with kids, I was stuck in a boring minivan for the last two decades. With my two oldest children in college and my youngers ones finally out of car seats, I decided it was time to buy a car that fit my personality. My little Kia Soul is the first car I ever had that I truly love, and I love finding ways to accessorize her.  I have crystals dangling from the mirror and a COEXIST sticker on the bumper, but something was still missing; something to make my Kia stand out on the street. CarLashes was exactly what I was looking for. These fun car accessories give my Kia even more soul and a feminine spark that catches the eye of everyone on the road.

Given I'm not very auto savvy, I was worried I  might not be able to get my lashes to stick, but installation is simple and quick. Just clean the surface, attach the tape to the lashes,  then attach the lashes to your car just above your headlights. Once they're in place, they stay firm even when  you're moving with traffic.

I look my Kia out with my CarLashes for the first time this weekend and I got compliments everywhere I went. All the girls from my office loved them, but my favorite fan was a little girl around four who started jumping and clapping when she saw us in the grocery store parking lot. And speaking of parking lots, its easy to pick out my Kia in the lot because the CarLashes really make her stand out.

If you want to grab a pair of CarLashes for yourself, you can purchase them on They have all different sizes for all makes and models of vehicles. Grab a pair of today and let the world see your car's feminine side.


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