Sunday, October 23, 2022

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: The Complete Series

What happens when a child outgrows his trusty Imaginary Friend, the pal that stuck with him through all of the highs and lows of growing up? Well, these creations pack up and head for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends! Foster's is a one-of-a-kind Victorian mansion filled with hundreds of unique characters from all over the world, thought up by completely different children for completely different reasons. These creatures all live together in this vast, sprawling home with more rooms than you could ever dream possible! Mac, a clever but somewhat shy 8-year-old boy, discovers Foster's when his mom tells him he's too old for his Imaginary Friend Blooregard. Not ready to part with his trouble making best buddy, Mac takes Bloo to Foster's with the hope of giving him a safe place to live, while still being able to visit every day.

My Thoughts

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a cute Cartoon Network series that my children grew up watching. The show centers around a little boy named Mac who created a rather rambunctious imaginary friend named Bloo. He caused so much trouble at his house, his parents made Mac give him up. Bloo goes to live at a home for for abandoned imaginary friends run by a little old lady named Mrs. Foster. The house includes a colorful cast of characters and since Mac refuses to give up his friend completely, he spends a lot of time hanging out at the house and getting fixed up in all kinds of zany adventures. 

My kids just loved this set which includes 70 episodes and over 1700 minutes of screen time.  Any fan of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends needs to have this in their collection and it would make a great gift this upcoming holiday season.  If you want to grab a copy of this DVD set for yourself, you can find it in stores nationwide and online at Amazon.