Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Coffees from Fire Department Coffee


I have to have my coffee. I just can't get started in the morning without it. I used to get coffee from a coffee house every morning. Now that I'm a stay at home mom, I have to brew my own.  Its not easy to get a decent cup of coffee at home.  Store bought usually tastes like water or mud. I never imaged I would find quality coffee in my local supermarket. Until I received a variety package of coffees from Fire Department Coffee. This is great flavored coffee that sells for a very reasonable price and supports real fire fighters!

I got to try a few of their newest flavors including the Skull-Crushing Expresso! Its a nice dark roast and is a great way to start off the morning. Did you ever open a pack of coffee and you just knew it was going to be excellent because it smelled so fresh and delicious.  I couldn't stop breathing in that amazing scent.  I could tell  by the dark color and texture that it was as fresh as possible and newly roasted. This coffee was smooth, not bitter at all, and strong without being overpowering.  Literally, one of the best cups of coffee I've ever made at home.

The second variety I tried was the Vanilla Bean Bourbon which is a spirit-infused coffee. I was really surprised by how potent the bourdon flavor was. I found myself checking the package to make sure it was alcohol free and still worried I might get called out for drinking on the job when I brought a thermos to work. It's a great caffeine jolt that tastes great and won't impair your ability to drive. This one is limited edition, so make sure you grab some before its gone for good.

Fire Department Coffee offers a wide array of coffee in different roasts and flavors. All of their varieties are available at a reasonable price.  This delicious coffee would make a great gift for any occasion or a wonderful way to indulge a personal whim.  If you're looking for an awesome cup of gourmet coffee at a fair price, than Fire Department Coffee is the perfect choice. To learn more about all their fantastic products, be sure to visit their website or visit them on Facebook.