Monday, February 24, 2020

CarSeat CoPilot Automatic Alert System Keeps your Child Safe

The CarSeat CoPilot Automatic Alert System is a patented technology device, designed to assist parents and caregivers in remembering their most prized possession in the backseat. The seat belt clip sensor attaches to the straps of your child’s car seat, transmitting a signal that triggers the alarm sound with the key fob (included), when separated by more than 10 feet. The CoPilot purposely does not rely on a smartphone app, cellular data coverage, BluetoothTM technology, or WiFi connectivity, indicating that it should work at all times.

  • PATENTED TECHNOLOGY: It is a patented use of radio wave communication for this product. The CoPilot purposely does not rely on a smartphone app cellular data coverage, BluetoothTM technology, or WiFi connectivity, indicating that it should work at all times. 
  • HOW IT WORKS: The CoPilot is a seat belt clip sensor that attaches to the straps of your infant/car seat, transmitting a signal that triggers the alarm sound with the key fob (included), when separated by more than 10 feet. 
  • WHY YOU NEED IT: At least 52 children have died in unattended cars so far this year, making it the second-worst year in history, and with the holiday madness coming up, it can continue to happen because no parent thinks it can happen to them.  

My Thoughts

It will never happen to me. That is the type of stuff that happens to other people. We have all thought that at some point. I have literally had that conversation with my husband about falling asleep at the wheel. "Do you think anyone this has ever happened to thought it would happen to them?" This, after the umpteenth time he told me he was fine. These are the kinds of things we do no prepare for that we easily could. Why would we not use something so simple to protect our children from the simplest mistakes or oversights we as parents can make? That is what the CarSeat CoPilot Automatic Pilot System keeps from happening. It is super easy to install. It goes over the already existent straps of the car seat and sits below the chest clip at the top.
It comes with two key fobs, one for each parent. If the key fob and the CoPilot are separated by more than ten feet while it is still "clipped," then the alarm will sound on the key fob. I know I have a four week old right now, and sleep deprivation can play some serious tricks with your mind. 55% of kids that were injured in the car, the parent or caregiver forgot they were in the car. The other thing that I really like about is it does not require wifi or bluetooth. EVERYTHING requires bluetooth or wifi these days, so it is nice to have something that doesn't. It come with really easy to install directions. It comes with two micro usb cables to recharge it. You can recharge it in your home or in your car if you have a usb port. This is peace of mind you hope to never have to use, but can save the most important thing in your life if you do have a potentially life threatening slip of the mind. 

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