Monday, August 19, 2019

Light Up Your Life with the Levitating Moon

Have you ever wondered what to get someone for their birthday? Or maybe an upcoming anniversary? Sure you could stick with the typical flowers and cards but what if you were hoping to make more of a lasting impression.

This year ditch the boring gifts and get them the original moon lamp. Each moon is completely built from scratch using 3D printing technologies. Once fired up, the 3D printer sketches out the moon lamp with precise action filling in every detail. This process takes roughly 36 hours to make using an eco-friendly plastic.

What comes out is remarkable, an exact replica of the glowing moon we see at night. Each divot and crater of the moon is made to match and is perfectly to scale 

If you are looking for more of a statement piece than look no further. The levitating moon Lamp is sure to amaze. It’s created in the same fashion as the original moon lamp but with a magnetic base to keep it suspended in mid-air. What’s interesting about this lamp is that it is completely powered through an electromagnetic connection. That means no charging or batteries needed, once the connection takes place it will light up and spin for days. has worked with schools and camps all around the world offering their unique gifts as prizes for contests and science fairs. It must be a great feeling knowing they are helping to shape the curiosity of young minds, pioneers and adventure seekers to come. Check out their full line of astral inspired gifts and take 10% off your first order using the code “WELCOME10”