Anime at it's Finest!
Based on the classic comic created by revered manga artist and animator Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), written by anime legend Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) and directed by Rintaro (Galaxy Express 999), Metropolis is a spectacular film featuring stunning imagery and unforgettable characters.
Created by celebrated anime master Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Roujin Z), Memories consists of three dazzling stories, each delivered with its own astonishing style. Magnetic Rose, directed by Koji Morimoto (Animatrix) based on a manga short by Otomo, concerns two space travelers following a distress signal drawn into a magnificent world created by one woman's memories. In director Tensai Okamura's (Wolf's Rain) Stink Bomb, a young chemist accidentally transforms himself into an unstoppable biological weapon set on a direct course for Tokyo. Otamo's own Cannon Fodder depicts a day in the life of a city whose entire purpose is the firing of cannons at an unknown enemy.
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