The animated family adventure HEDGEHOGS arrives on DVD and Digital February 27 from Lionsgate. Awarded the Dove Seal of Approval,HEDGEHOGS follows a mischievous hedgehog named Bobby (voiced by Anthony Padilla of Smosh) and a pigeon named Hubert on a wild journey.
In this outrageous family adventure, Web superstars @jennxpenn (Jen McAllister) and the Smosh duo (Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox) join forces with comedy legends Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) and Chevy Chase (Caddyshack). The laughter begins as a mischievous hedgehog named Bobby leaves his wilderness home and joins Hubert, a featherbrained pigeon, on a wild, unpredictable journey. They make their way to the big city, where stressed-out humans are losing their minds. Bobby and Hubert must calm the nervous citizens by being their cute, cuddly selves.
My Thoughts
Hedgehogs is an adorable movie about a little hedgehog named Bobby. He decides to leave the forest to visit the big city. He brings a few friends with him on the journey including a pigeon who helps to lead the way. A few other furry friends tag along as well. They experience lots of hilarious mishaps on the way, but they also have a lot of fun and many exciting adventures.
This is a really cute and colorful film filled with amazing characters. I especially love the spiky colored hair on the hedgehog. My children really enjoyed watching this film, and it teaches them not to be afraid of going out on an adventure and trying something new. The DVD also includes some bonus features like a look into the recording studio and a trailer gallery. Hedgehogs is definitely a great film to pick up for family movie night.
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