Saturday, November 4, 2017

Scratch & Create - Scratch Board Book Review

I love creating interesting art. Imagine finding a mysterious picture underneath. These two books from Scratch & Create are a joy to scratch and lovely to look at.

The books contain pages of scratch boards. To create the art, the scratch surface is removed with the included scratching stylus tool. If you have ever scratched a lottery ticket, the idea is similar. The full color design will be revealed by removing the solid metallic colored surface by scratching.

The Enchanted Forest book is a series of postcards. The postcards can be removed from the book to work on and then to mail. A slight design is visible in the metallic surface. I picked a corner to get started. A little at a time and the color comes out. These are fully colored under the slick removable surface. It is very relaxing to scratch away! It does not take too much effort to reveal the designs. I can choose a section at a time, working with the two sided tool or I can get busy clearing a much larger section. Whatever mood strikes me. In Enchanted Forest, there are 20 postcards to complete.

The Hand-Lettered Life is a larger size book. There are 16 scratchboard pages with stencils to make your own design! The first few pages are prewritten phrases that can be scratched completely or just scratch a little here and there. I like the designs featured. They look like popular coloring books patterns. Most of the book contains solid scratchboards to make your own sign using the stencils or freehand. Each scratch brings out the color from underneath.

I found both of these titles to be calming and relaxing. The scratching is enjoyable and seeing the color pop is exciting. It can get a little messy with the scratching surface dust, so I recommend doing so outdoors or on a table covered in paper.

These books are fun for all ages. The concept is like coloring and the designs are lovely!
Order Hand-Lettered Life and Enchanted Forest plus more Scratch & Create titles from Quarto or from your favorite book seller.

Many thanks to Quarto for providing the review product.
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was offered or accepted for this post. Gratis product was received in order to write my honest and unbiased review. The opinions above are my own and were not influenced in any way. Others experience may vary.