Friday, June 3, 2016

A Year of Living Mindfully Book Review

From recipes to rituals to the rhythm of the seasons, A YEAR OF LIVING MINDFULLY: Seasonal Practices to Nourish Body, Mind, and Spirit is the last book on wellness you’ll ever need. Achieving optimum well-being can be as easy as attuning ourselves to the cycles of the year, according to the author, holistic well-being expert and entrepreneur Randi Ragan. Her guidebook for busy people aligns the mind, body and spirit to achieve an attainable plan for optimum health and self-care in every season.

In A YEAR OF LIVING MINDFULLY, Ragan presents practical solutions for lasting wellness, including stress relief and avoiding illness, as she explains how engaging with the seasons can enhance our overall well-being. She details seasonal themes and provides corresponding recipes, teas, tonics, exercises and daily practices.

Our Thoughts

I have said it before, but I am someone who is drawn to things that are visually appealing and laid out in an easy to understand manner. I love charts and I love correspondences. A Year of Living Mindfully has all of that combined with the holistic point of view of how to change your life. Perfect. This book talks about and recommends all of the things that I strive for in my personal life.

One of the cycles of life that I adhere to is that spring is for new beginnings, summer is for acting on your plans to make those new beginnings flourish, fall is for reaping the benefits of your hard work and winter is a time of reflection within and rest from the hard work you have done. A Year of Living Mindfully is very cohesive to my personal thought process on how this cycle works and additional correspondences are given in each section, from what spiritual element the season is connected to, to the time of day and to what animals are representative too (and many more!).

A Year of Living Mindfully is filled with personal experiences from the author, natural remedies, food recipes and so much more. It's laid out in such an easy manner to read and flip through to find the information you're looking for again. This is a book to keep on hand and constantly reference too as it definitely nourishes the soul and body.

Buy yours on Amazon and don't forget to check it out on Facebook and her blog!

Reviewed by Jackie