Sunday, May 29, 2016


***This post was sponsored by the Role Mommy Writer's Network.  All opinions are 100% my own.***

Back in June of 1990, I was thirteen, getting ready to graduate from junior high, and completely obsessed with the New Kids on the Block.   If you asked which one was my favorite, it might change from day to day. Joe was the youngest of the group, and the closet to my own age. Jordan had the best moves. Donny had that whole bad boy thing going on. Danny reminded me of my best friend, and Jon was the shy and quiet one.  I would just say I was in love with them all. If you don't believe me, check out this embarrassing photo. I guess Jon was my favorite that day.

It's been more than twenty-five years since I tried to make out with that poster, and while I don't hang posters anymore, let a alone kiss them, the New Kids On the Block have always had a piece of my heart.  "I'll Be Loving You" was the song I danced to with my very first boyfriend, even though the nuns at my Catholic school made sure we were a few inches apart. Their CD was also the very first CD I ever bought. Before that, I was still getting cassette tapes. OMG, I feel really old now. The point is, I have a lot of great memories where The New Kids On the Block were playing in the background, and hearing one of their songs always bring back a slew of memories.

Because I'm such a big fan, I was absolutely thrilled to hear that the original boy band was going to be staring in the second season of "Rock the Boat". If you aren't familiar with the show, it gives you an up close and personal look at the band as they interact with each other and their fans. The show is filmed on a cruise ship, and allows you to experience the thrill of the show through the eyes of the band members.  This means, you'll get to see a side of the NKOTB that you've never seen before.  Get a little sneak peak for yourself in the video below.

If you're a New Kids on the Block fan too, be sure to tune in on June 1st at 8:30pm EST (7:30C). You can be sure I'll be watching. I'll try to control myself and not kiss the television screen.  Because even though it's been a quarter of a century, these guys are still hanging tough! 


VickieC said... 1

my daughter was 5 yrs old and that is all she talked about ,I took her to 2 concerts,,she loved it,,i was deaf for days after though,,they put on a great proformance

An Apel a Day said... 2

This is so funny! I remember when New Kids on the Block first started. So many girls in my class were in love.