Friday, March 13, 2015

Book Review: The Practice: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace, and Uncovering Happiness

The mind has a way of interfering with personal happiness, often causing stress and doubt. Getting in touch with one's inner source of peace and following its guidance over the mind's often-unfounded concerns requires training and discipline. Knowing this truth intimately, Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life Founder Barb Schmidt developed a three-part spiritual discipline called The PracticeThe Practice is a toolkit to be used throughout the day to guide people who are looking for confidence, less stress, and deeper meaning along life's path. These tools are a compilation of the great Truths taught by authentic teachers and masters throughout the centuries from various religious and spiritual traditions.

My thoughts:

I read this book from front to back in one day.  And I will read it many mores times, I am sure.

I always try to take time for meditation.  I learned so much more about meditation and myself through this book.  While there are some things I can not change, I will be able to change so it will not happen again. To be able to find peace in my inner self, is a beautiful feeling.   Barb Schmidt keeps it simple.  And she wrote this book so you can easily follow what she is explaining.