Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Travel Tips and Tricks from Kids 'N Pets

Summer is right around the corner and with it comes summer travel! Last year, an American Express report suggested 69% of consumers planned to get away during June – August.  For our family, summer trips are a must and we’re betting your readers are in the same boat (or car or plane as it may be).  If you are sharing your best tips for travel this year, we hope you’ll consider a few of our favorites for making seasonal travel a little saner:

1.      Carsickness  sucks.  I had it as a kid and inevitably threw up at least once a summer! The only way to eliminate the stain and odor of puke is KIDS ‘N’ PETS All Purpose Stain & Odor remover.  This stuff works for any kind of stain and odor – think diaper blowouts, potty training mishaps and food spills too.
2.      This Diono Stow & Go is the only way to capture the clutter and stop your little one from kicking the back of your seat!
3.      Caspar Babypants lead singer is also the lead singer of the Presidents of the United States of America.  This CD is great for chill, family-friendly and adult tolerable music.
4.      Our favorite snacks are filling and not too messy. We’re loving Simple & Crisp fruit snacks and Earnest Eats Granola Bars, especially the Superfood one.
5.      Last, but not least, our three favorite car games are “I-Spy”, 20-questions, and make the trucker honk (does anyone do this anymore)?

Our Thoughts
We received the Kids 'N' Pets Instant All Purpose Stain & Odor Remover for review. I L-O-V-E this stuff! We had some old red stains that were in the carpet from the kids and their Kool-Aid drinks. Sprayed the remover on the spots, left for about 30 minutes, blotted up the floor. It worked slick! You can still see there was a stain there but we're planning on using the carpet cleaner when we clean the carpets and pre-treating the spots again. Quite honestly it took 95% of these REALLY old stains out of the carpet! 
We have also used this to remove the stench that comes with cat urine. If you have ever smelled cat urine or have had a cat urinate on a carpet you know that the urine smell is really difficult to get out of anything. Two weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our old boy and we are still finding spots that he had urinated. With the Stain & Odor Remover we have been able to get the smell out of a lot of things that our stuff that our old 19-year-old cat had urinated on. This spray is coming in handy!
Anne, one of the other reviewers, says that she has purchased the same product and has used it to get icky kid poop messes out of her carpet when her son's diapers overflow. She loves it just as much as I do! 
This is well worth the money to have on hand if you have kids or pets!!! 
**I received no monetary compensation for this review. The opinions expressed are my own and were in no way influenced.**


rochelle said...

Love this stuff i won some on another giveaway.

Unknown said...

this is pretty cool, never heard of it! thanks for sharing! :)

Shannon said...

This sounds like a great product for me since I have 5 pets! Thank you for your review.

Unknown said...

Hmmm... Kid friendly and adult tolerable music? Count me in! Also, snacks make everything better!

Unknown said...

This is a great article. Dogs and children should not be left attended in the car not matter it's hot cold windows down, up, car left on with air. Take them with you where you are going or get a sitter for kids r leave animals at home

Unknown said...


rj7777 said...

I am going to have to try this on my cars carpet. I have a stain that hasn't come out. Thanks for sharing the product and the fun games you play on your trips. Honk!! I don't know that one but it sounds fun! Rita Spratlen

Tamra Phelps said...

I've gone through several cleaners trying to get up a spaghettios stain. Thanks! I'll try this.

lisa said...

These sound like great products. Especially if you have have kids or pets. They can be as messy as a husband!

Jill D. said...

I love it because it seems to clean up most everything!

Cheryl Rahkonen said...

Thanks for this review. I was not aware of the product KIDS 'N' PETS All Purpose Stain & Odor Remover, but I really need it. I have 8 grandchildren that ride in my car very frequently and the mess and odor is sometimes unbearable. I also have dogs and cats that always get sick in the car and you are right, that odor is almost impossible to get out. My adult children still play 'make the trucker honk'. They loved it as kids and every now and then, I still see them doing it. lol

Unknown said...

OMG, this is like the best thing ever created!!! I will certainly buy this because I have kids and pets!! Thanks for the review because I never knew about this product.

An Apel a Day said...

I need this. One time I got sick on a road trip. It just came out of no where. Now I have kids. I could use it for them to.

Unknown said...

This pet stain and odor remover sounds like just what I need. I have tried so many that did not work.. But this one seems to have a good rating among your Readers. Thanks for the Post! I hope it works.. :0)~~~

Angela Saver said...

I've seen several good reviews on this, so I think I'm gonna get some & give it a try!

laurie nykaza said...

I have 3 rescue dogs and 4 cats so this sounds wonderful to use will check some out when I need some next time to use.

Unknown said...

This stuff looks great!!

penni said...

Thanks for recommending this awesome product! It would certainly come in handy in my house.

rj7777 said...

I have tried this before and it is a great one to have on hand!! Thanks for reminding me about it. Rita Spratlen

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the KIDS and PETS stain remover. We could surely use this at our house