Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blu-ray Review - Devil's Due

A young couple's blessed event turns into their worst nightmare in one of the most terrifying horror films ever conceived! After a mysterious night on their honeymoon, Zach and Samantha McCall find themselves dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything on video for posterity, Zach notices odd behavior in his wife, which they initially attribute to nerves, although it soon becomes evident that the disturbing changes to Samantha's body and mind have a much more sinister origin. All will suffer...but who will survive?

My Thoughts

Devil's Due has a pretty simple plot. A happy young couple's life is plunged into chaos when they are abducted by a cult  on their honeymoon. This is partially captured on film because the husband, Zach,  has a camera built into his tie (though they don't actually watch the video and discover it until many months later). When they get home, the wife Sam discovers she's pregnant. The more the pregnancy progresses, the more she devolves as the demon child she's carrying takes control.

 If you're a fan of horror, this is a good movie to watch. It has all the elements you look for in classic horror--some blood and guts, paranormal activity, evil cults. But don't expect any shocking endings or big thrills. The beginning of the movie opens with Zach sitting in an interrogation room, covered in blood and dirt, looking sadly at this wedding ring. To me that sort of gave away how the movie was going to end and it progressed exactly the way I expected.

While I did enjoy this film, I really dislike the way it was filmed. The entire movie is shown through home movies or security public cameras to fill in the holes. Even the bad guys end up planting video cameras at the house so we can catch Zach at times when he actually put his own camera down.  Maybe it's just a matter of personal taste, but I think this ruins the realism of the movie. I don't think Zach would record a conversation he had with his wife's OBGYN about her mental health. Even if he wanted to, the doctor would probably ask him to turn it off. People also never drop their cameras. Even when teens are attacked  by a demon in the woods, they never let the camera go. The odd camera angles are also disruptive to the movie at times..

Overall, the movie was entertaining,but not one I would watch a second time.