Saturday, March 15, 2014

Acts of Happiness Magazine Giveaway #happyacts

 “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” that’s what we’re all entitled to, right?

 So why does the last one elude so many of us?

 This March 20, 2014, we’re changing that with Acts of Happiness , a global campaign created by Live Happy to inspire the world to think, act, and live happy. Coinciding with the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness, March 20 will invite the entire globe to do good, feel good, and pledge their #HappyActs on .

What is a happy act, you ask? It’s a smile to a stranger, a crow pose after months of yoga practice, a big tip on the same old delivery, a heartfelt conversation with an old friend. #HappyActs come in all shapes and sizes, but each does its part to spread a little joy and make the world a happier place.

I’ve already declared my #HappyActs on and can’t wait to see what you do in your neighborhood!

Speaking of community, be sure to stop by a happiness wall near you on March 20 to connect, share a hug, and celebrate with happy people just like you. Don’t see one in your area? Start your own happiness wall and inspire your friends, family, and colleagues to join the Acts of Happiness movement.

 Remember, the world wants to see your smile, so be sure to post your #happyacts to and share your story on Facebook ,Twitter , and Instagram using the hashtag #happyacts. Happiness is contagious!

The Giveaway

Two lucky winners are each going to receive a free subscription to Happiness Magazine. To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below.  This giveaway will end on  4/614. Open to the US only. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Happiness Magazine for offering this fantastic prize.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

***I received no form of compensation for this post. This is not a review. Information was provided by the company or their representative. New Age Mama is not responsible for prize delivery***


Unknown said...

a magazine about happy things instead of all the bad in the world would be like a breath of fresh air

Unknown said...

I didn't know how to contact you except this way but I wanted you to know that when trying to access your blog from anywhere except the link I got today from the bloggin newsletter my security which is Norton blocks your site as being "malicious" This doesn't just happen once in a while but 99% of the time. You are probably losing a lot of readers due to this so you maybe want to see what you can do to clear it up. Thanks for reading. I enjoy your site the very few times I've gotten in without being blocked by security.

An Apel a Day said...

I'd like it because it's all positive vs. the negative that you hear on the news all the time.

Stefanie Elysse Hurtado said...

It sounds like such a refreshing and uplifting magazine. I think everyone could use more happiness in their lives =]


cp1935 said...

What an uplift this could be. I would love to look forward to this each issue.

trixx said...

I think this is awesome. It'd be so inspiring. Who wouldn't need more happiness in their lives!

Tylerpants said...

I love it! I think it's a great idea. Too often we are so busy with our life that we seriously do not just stop to both appreciate the little things in your own life and to share happiness to others. Lisa L tylerpants(at)