Wednesday, July 31, 2013

No More Muffin Tops: Affordable "Liposouction"

By Tara. *Item received for review purposes, no financial reimbursement.*

Tummy Tight Kit: Non Surgical Tummy TighteningThe average woman in America does NOT look like those Hollywood starlets. We may have some excess baby weight, a little flesh hanging over our jeans, or perhaps our tummy is just not as tight as we'd like it to be. For many of us, all the dieting and working out in the world doesn't show results. It's just our genes, and to be honest, women are not really meant to be as tiny as Hollywood says we should be...let's just get that out of the way right now....

But for those who wish to eliminate some of that extra flesh, for those frustrated and tired of eating like a rabbit, give this a shot:

Introducing Tummy Tight, the do-it-yourself, non-surgical solution for a slimmer looking waistline from Beauty Be Natural. Long story short, what you see as "fat" on your tummy is really toxins and/or water retention. This herbal treatment helps you get rid of that.

What you do: Measure yourself. Rinse the bandage. Soak it in distilled or purified water/herbal mixture solution. Wrap it around your tummy. Wait an hour, squirting the wrap periodically. Measure yourself again either right away or the next day. Some people are seeing instant results, apparently.

The Good:
-It comes in a very nice package with an easy-to-follow instruction sheet.
-Everything you need except a bowl and water is provided. The solution, the "ace" bandage, the bandage holders, a squirt bottle, a measuring cup.
-It took me four tries, but I did lose half an inch after the fourth try. I cannot say I was over-the-moon about this product like other bloggers as I did not see the results they raved about even though I used this four times in the first week. I can only assume my tummy fat is PURE fat and not water retention/toxic build-up.

The Bad:
-The instructions on the sheet do not perfectly match the instructions on the bottle. It would be nice had they mentioned on the sheet that the herbs need to be shaken first. It wasn't until I read the bottle that I got that little tidbit.
-Frankly, this is a pain in the butt. I won't lie. The actual process of wrapping oneself is simple, but though they say you can wear clothes over it, I found the clothes just soaked up the solution and ended up a soggy mess. I recommend just staying naked. The "squirting solution onto the wrap" thing makes an even bigger mess. It just drips down to the floor or soaks your underwear. I think it would be better if they sent a SPRAY bottle complete with nozzle.
-I did not see results until I doubled the herb solution. I gained that half inch back the next day.

But every woman is different. I think the results you'll see will depend upon just how much of your tummy fat is water retention/toxins vs real fat.

*Item received for review purposes, no financial reimbursement.*