Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Fun with Backyard Safari Outfitters

 ***Complimentary product received in exchange for an honest review***

 Spring is here and that means its time for outdoor play. My family and I spend a lot of time outside when the weather is nice. Its a time to explore the world around us and learn about nature. Backyard Safari Outfitters has toys that are designed to help kids appreciate the beauty all around them.  This spring, here are just a few of the new options available that will help kids explore their backyard and beyond.

Communicating during an outdoor mission is made easy with the Backyard Safari Walkie Talkie. Just turn the dial, and push the button to talk. Use the belt clip for easy transport. The built-in antenna gives you an approximate range of one mile in an open field for expert communication. Roger that!

My Thoughts

In the last twelve years, I have purchased more sets of  Walkie Talkies than I care to remember for all different price ranges, but I think these are my favorites. They aren't big and bulky so they are easy to carry around, and they come with a clip that can be attached to your pants. There is very little static involved and the distance it works is absolutely amazing for a toy.  It has a range of two full miles. My older kids have been taking one of them down the street to the park with them, and I can use the other to call them back for dinner. They also love using them for all types of adventures from make-believe police investigations in the yard to jungle expeditions at our local zoo.

 Create your very own natural history museum. Bugs, frogs, turtles, lizards or snakes—this habitat can be home sweet home to a menagerie of exotic creatures. A built-in pool for amphibious critters and a sculpted terrain for interesting viewing of inhabitants in a life-like setting. Clear dome allows 360° viewing. Complete the effect by adding any scenic backdrop to create an even more natural setting so your guests feel right at home. The added port feature allows you to doc the capture core from your Backyard Safari™ Bug Vacuum to transfer bugs safely into the habitat.

 My Thoughts

This natural habitat is really cute and a great way to observe wildlife up close and personal. We have lots of turtles and frogs in our area so we caught a few and watched them play around for a few hours. The set is meant for more long term use, but I haven't and probably will not try it for any extended periods. This is only due to my personal beliefs that wild animals shouldn't be taken from their natural habitats. I don't want to risk killing them for my entertainment when I'm not an expert on their care. Its great to watch them and learn for a little while though, and this habitat offers a great view. All sides are clear and the lights make it easy to see what they are doing. It easy to assemble and clean up when only used for a few hours, but it may take more effort if you are using it long term. The set does come with an offer for a free tadpole (you do have to pay shipping costs) for those who are interested

In addition to the item we reviewed, Backyard Safari Outfitters has many other wonderful toys that are essential for any future explorer or scientist, including binoculars, blow darts, animal whisperers, camouflage netting, bug vacuums and more. Any of these toys would make a great gift  for Easter, birthdays, or any other special occasion. To keep up with new products, be sure to follow them on face book. So what are you waiting for, check out Safari Outfitters and get your kids geared up and ready to explore their worlds both real and imaginary.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. **