Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide - Mystic Sea Angel Candles Giveaway

Its not easy being a writer when you're the mother of four rambunctious children. As much as I love them, there are times when I just need a few minutes to myself. Yesterday, I decided to work on a poem for an analogy that my publisher is working on.  I wanted it to be something deep and meaningful, and its hard to get in that frame of mind with the kids in the house. My husband agreed to take them out for awhile and give me a little space, but even then my head was still in a whirl. To get in a better state of mind, I spent some time meditating. I have found that certain tools and scents will help me to focus. Yesterday, I used one of the Creativity Candles from Mystic Sea Angel with amazing results.

The Mystic Sea Angel combines the two powerful forces of aromatherapy and crystals when creating their soy based candles. Each candle is made from pure essential oils that not only provide an intoxicating scent, they are also designed to help you stimulate your mind to achieve your desired goal. The creativity candle I tried is made from an earthy bergamot and basil mixed with sweet lemon and grapefruit that blend into a pleasant and refreshing citrus scent. Together, they work to promote the mental clarity you need to help open your mind, allowing your creativity to flow.

In addition to the natural oils, Mystic Angel Candles also harvests the power of the earth by adding crystals to every soy candle. The Creativity Candle uses carnelian to help unleash your creative spirit, hematite to remove limitations, citrine to enhance motivation, and amazonite to encourage self expression. Long after your candle has burned out, you can continue to carry your magical crystals and draw strength from their endless energies. The store even provides a little tie bag to store the crystals when the candle is gone.

The aromatherapy, the crystals, and even the elemental flame of the candle, all combine to create the perfect tool for meditation. As soon as my spirit returned from my journey, I felt invigorated and the words I had searched for flowed freely. I was so filled with inspiration that I was able to write an almost perfect poem in just a few hours. It was a very fulfilling experience.

In addition to the creativity candles, Mystic Sea Angel also offers candles to promote chakra balancing, romance, joy, relaxation, and more. You can even request custom candles to meet your personal needs.  So no matter what area of your life you are looking to enhance or improve, you can use these candles to help you reach the goal. All of this comes in one natural and homeopathic package. Each candle are $17 with free shipping.

One lucky winner is going to receive the meditation candle of their choice. To enter, just complete the Rafflecopter form below. You will be able to enter this giveaway at both the New Age Mama and Author Laura DeLuca blogs. You only need to enter ONCE. Please do not enter on both blogs. Entries will be merged and one winner will be chosen. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Open to US only. Giveaway ends on 1/9/13.  Thanks again to Mystic Sea Angel for offering this great prize.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


fearless_fallen_angel said...

Chakra Medititation Candle

Unknown said...


blog post:

itsme said...

the healthy body one

Unknown said...

I would choose the Energy Meditation Candle

chelsee wahlquist said...

energy meditatiom

foodmom4life said...

Protection Meditation Candle!
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Energy Meditation Candle!

Unknown said...

Protection Meditation Candle! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway and happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Energy Meditation

cowboyswife said...

Abundance Meditation Candle

Bassoon2 said...

Abundance Meditation candle

Breanne said...

Joy candle

Unknown said...

Energy Meditation

Ann Fantom said...

I would like to get the Maui’s Dolphin Meditation Candle

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Ann Fantom said...

GFC id: abfantom fantom

abfantom at yahoo dot com

not just another southern gal said...

I would love to try them all! but the Energy meditation sounds wonderful

littlelatina said...

they all sound great

kat said...

Heathy Body Meditation Candle

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Energy Meditation Candle.

Barbara R. said...

I would choose, Abundance Meditation Candle.

Tylerpants said...

I'd like the Well Being Meditation Candle. tylerpants(at)

cassandra m said...

i love them all