Monday, March 23, 2020

Filter with ZeroWater

With ZeroWater you can enjoy great tasting water with the latest advanced filter technology. The ZeroWater filtration system combines FIVE sophisticated patented technologies that work together to remove virtually all dissolved solids from your tap water, delivering great tasting water. These are the only pour-through filters on the market certified by the NSF to reduce lead and Chromium. ZeroWater filtration also reduces Fluoride from your water and other unwanted contaminants such as asbestos, plastics, pesticides, oestrogen, mercury and lead to name a few.


Certified** to reduce Lead and Chromium
Premium 5-Stage Dual-Ion Exchange filtration system
Ion-Exchange system that removes virtually all dissolved solids in your water
The FDA requires the TDS level in PURIFIED bottled water to reach 000-010ppm. ZeroWater is the only filter in its class to achieve this level.

ZeroWater's first layer of filtration, activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy removes the chlorine taste you are accustomed to with tap water. The Ion Exchange stage removes virtually all dissolved solids that may be left over from public water systems or even leached into your water from piping such as Aluminium, Lead, Zinc, Nitrate and many more. Three additional stages are included to remove and other contaminants to ensure tap water receives the appropriate amount of treatment time to deliver a "000" reading on the included laboratory-grade Total Dissolved Solids meter.

How does ZeroWater Work?

Stage 1: Coarse filter removes fine particles/sediment.
Stage 2: Distributor maximizes contact time.
Stage 3: Multi-layer system uses activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy.
Stage 4: Comprehensive ION EXCHANGE array.
Stage 5: Non-woven membrane removes fine particles.

The ZeroWater 12 Cup Water Pitcher costs $36.99 from Target.

My Thoughts:

This time of year, nothing beats a nice glass of ice cold water. The weather is starting to warm up, the sun is out, and people are preparing to spend more time outdoors. One downside of the warmer weather is the waste and the money that sipping water bottles bring to our home. ZeroWater allows you to enjoy the water you already have, ensuring it is safe to drink.

The technology of ZeroWater is what makes it the best filtration system on the market. It assists in getting rid of harmful particles in water, while also using ion-exchange to make your water the safest it could possibly be. Most water filters only use a two-stage filtration process, but ZeroWater covers 5 (stages are listed above). The water tastes refreshing, clean, and delicious!

The size of the ZeroWater pitcher is fantastic for every fridge. It has enough water to keep a family hydrated and ready to take on the day. I would highly recommend ZeroWater to anyone looking to provide healthy beverages and also save money in the long run.

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