Saturday, December 14, 2019

Give the Gift of Health with Superior Source Vitamins

December is a festive month to exchange gifts and to enjoy family and friends. Give the Gift of Health with Microlingual ® tablets from Superior Source — they make great stocking stuffers! Now it’s FUN to take vitamins with NO PILLS to SWALLOW! With over 180 vitamins, there are vitamins for everyone, young old and every need. Best of all, Superior Source Vitamins are MicroLingual ® with “Under the Tongue Technology” that works fast, and are quickly absorbed into the body, dissolving in seconds. Did you know that... b y swallo wing supplements, as much as 50% of the potency is lost in the high acid environment of the stomach.

One big step you can take is taking supplements. I've always had a problem swallowing pills. I even had to get special chewable prenatal vitamins. Because of this, I tend to be a little lax about taking vitamins as often as I should. The kids chewables don't appeal to me and I gag whenever I try to swallow regular vitamins. Luckily, I finally found a solution with Superior Source and their dissolving tablets. They are a quick, easy, and effective alternative to regular supplements, and there are lots of varieties to choose from for both adults and children.

My family got to try out several of the Superior Source supplements. Since I started this new regimen energy levels have gone through the roof, and for the first time, my kids are taking vitamins without argument. These quick-dissolving tablets come in fun flavors and have all the varieties I need for a healthy life-style. Here is a little about the different vitamins I was able to try.

Vitamin C - Superior Source has several different flavors of Vitamin C, but I got to try the tangy orange melts. Warning: This is face twisting sour! I loved sucking on a vitamin that tastes like my favorite candy!

B-12 - This one packs a punch with B-12, B-6, and folic acid all in the mix. I was told by my doctor to take these when I was trying to conceive. I wish this dissolving tablets had been around back then!

D3- If you need to add some Vitamin D to your diet, these are a great choice. They are super concentrated and melt in your mouth.

Zinc Lozenjets- This supplement will help  kids fight off colds during flu season and helps boost the immune system. 

Vitamin K helps supports normal blood clotting and the formation of prothrombin. The tiny pills dissolve in an instant and leave behind no after-taste.

For someone like me who has trouble swallowing pills, Superior Source makes things much more convenient. I also think they would be perfect for anyone with special needs who may be unable to chew or swallow traditional vitamins. Check them out today on get back on track with your daily supplements. Learn more about Superior Source Vitamins on their website.

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The Giveaway

One lucky winner is going to receive a selection of vitamins to try for themselves. To enter, just fill in the Giveaway Tools form below. This giveaway will end on 12/31/19. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Open to the US only  Thanks again to Superior Source for offering this fantastic prize. 


Heather! said...

I have never seen their Calming Formula with L-Theanine 200 mg, 5-HTP 30 mg, Melatonin 3 mg. I'd love to try it!

monique s said...

I would really like to try the B-12