Friday, February 9, 2018

My Furry #Valentine: Keeping Your #Pets Safe, Healthy and Feeling Loved

For Valentine’s Day, show your pets some extra love.  According to NHV Natural Pet Products, makers of veterinarian-approved and formulated plant-based natural supplements, by following these tips, your pets will stay safe, secure and happy:
No Sweets For Your Sweetie -- Candy and chocolate are not for pets. Chocolate is especially dangerous because it contains theobromine, an ingredient which is toxic to cats and dogs.  Flowers can also be poisonous, so keep all Valentine’s Day bouquets away from your pets.

I Wanna Hold Your Paw – After walking your dog, make sure to towel dry their paws completely, taking extra care around paw pads. Wipe them with a wet clean cloth to remove any salt or chemicals from the road. Rub NHV Heal Care Ointment on cleaned paw pads to protect and soothe. Without proper care, paw pads can become dry, cracked and painful. 

Puppy Love – Is there a new puppy or kitten in your life?  Be sure to have the essentials (bowls, food, treats, leash) and make them feel welcome with a cozy place to sleep. The NHV Puppy and Kitten Starter Kit offers natural remedies to help get pets off to a healthy start, with Multi Essentials vitamins, PetOmega 3 fish oil, Target first aid spray, and Plantaeris and Inulin PK for natural relief for tummy troubles.

Good For Your Heart –
It’s important to keep your pet active and at an ideal weight.  Help them stay healthy with NHV Hearty Heart for Cats and Dogs, which boosts blood flow and promotes heart health.  On a related note, having a pet has been shown to reduce stress and improve the health of pet owners.

Snuggle Up –
Cats and dogs feel the chill of winter extra deep in their bones, so be sure to give them more blankets. Larger dogs tend to suffer the effects of stiff joints and arthritic pain. Keeping them limber and pain free is important. An orthopedic bed can help. In addition, supplement their diet with NHV Yucca and NHV Old Timer, which will aid with joint pain and soothe inflammation.