Saturday, May 6, 2017

Go teach! Giveaway

Go teach!, the online community dedicated to providing resources, classroom projects and tips, product giveaways and more, is hosting a month-long daily giveaway and product sweepstakes in honor of Teacher Appreciation Month

 Each day will be a new chance for teachers to win a classroom prize-pack and ten lucky winners will win the grand prize – Classroom product supply for one year (a prize valued at over $500). Here are a few examples of the items you could get for your classroom.

With chalk boards a thing of the  past, teachers can always use dry erase markers from EXPO. They come in variety of colors and

Elmer's Glue Sticks are a must have for all classroom projects.  This glue is especially designed to allow kids to adjust their pieces for up to five minutes before it dries.
These markers are tons of fun. Not allow to they allow kids to make beautiful pictures, they are scented with fun flavors.

This are just a few examples of the goodies up for garbs. Head over to the Go teach! face book page to learn more or to enter the giveaway.