Friday, April 15, 2016

Remove Tough Stains with Biz

Stains. One of the biggest challenges every mom must face. It starts as soon as your children are born. Formula stains and leaky diapers can ruin your layette. When they start crawling, their knees are always covered in dark stains. Once they hit school age, you have grass on their pants and ketchup or pizza sauce of their shirts. Even when they aren't spilling something, they're wiping their face on their sleeve. How can a mom of four keep her kids' clothes looking great so I can hand them down? Add Biz to my laundry, of course!

Biz is a exciting new stain and odor eliminator, and I'm thrilled to be a brand ambassador for this fabulous company. Being an ambassador comes with perks, like getting a year supply of Biz. And I know I'll use every drop of it.  There are two different ways to use their product. First, you can add a cup to your regular laundry. It will boost the cleaning power of your detergent by as much as 80%! Since I started using Biz, I've seen a big difference in our laundry. Not only do clothes come out cleaner, they just seem brighter and more vibrant.

For really tough stains, Biz can also be used as a pre-treater. Simply re-wet the area, and rub a little Biz directly on the stained area.  Wait 5-10 minutes, and then wash as usual.  I really put this to the test by purposely staining an old shirt with both mustard and hot sauce--two of the things that cause me the most grief.   The results speak for themselves. You can't even tell there was ever a stain there at all!

Biz has been tested and proven to have more stain-fighting power than any of it's competitors. It works on all types of stains including sweat, grass, and grape juice, and it's way much more efficient than laundry detergent alone. Plus, one bottle will last for weeks at at time. If you want to keep your clothes looking their best, and maybe even have a chance to pass them down to younger siblings, you need to add Biz to your laundry routine! To learn more about Biz, be sure to visit their website or follow their social media.

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rochelle said... 1

Looks nice like to try this

tat2gurlzrock said... 2

I have never tried this before but I think it would be great for my fiance's work clothes!

Toni W. said... 3

I need to find this and get some to keep my 2 grandsons clothes stain free.

Marthalynn said... 4

I need to try this! I am beside myself with the stains my kids bring home on their clothing. I have pretty much accepted the fact that they will ruin their clothing after just a few short wears. This gives me hope that maybe I can save their best clothes after all!

Melissa Storms said... 5

I have never tried this before but I could really use a new, good stain remover.

Unknown said... 6

BIZ sounds great for stain removal. Definitely would try but have one question as to the ingredients that I will need to find out.

tisme143 said... 7

I have not tried this product yet, I do love how clean it gets your clothing.

Anne Marie Carter said... 8

This product looks like a great product to have around the house.

Anne Marie Carter said... 9

This product looks like a great product to have around the house.

VickieC said... 10

I have used these before and they work great

FrangiePani said... 11

I need to try that. I don't buy stain removers because most I have tried, just don't take out the stains enough.