Friday, April 15, 2016

Digestic by Mimonis Review- A 100% Natural Herbal Remedy.

Non habit-forming Digestic relieves constipation and boosts overall digestive health naturally

It’s a topic that’s largely missing from the national health conversation.  But constipation can be just as uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life as more talked about issues like headaches, congestion and insomnia.  And it’s practically as common, as constipation affects over 80 million Americans.

Left untreated – or unsuccessfully treated – constipation can become chronic, magnifying the accompanying bloating, pain and generalized discomfort.  Enter Digestic, an all-natural herbal supplement formulated to ease digestion, regulate metabolism, relieve the symptoms of constipation, and most importantly help strengthen and support the digestive system.  Digestic’s proprietary formula is non-habit forming and uses five key all-natural, organic plants and herbs sourced from the globe’s finest purveyors.  These are carefully cultivated, then picked and processed at their peak to maximize their efficacy.

Digestic is manufactured by Mimonis, Inc., a Hackensack, New Jersey-based family-owned business dedicated to studying colon health and developing natural, alternative solutions.   The formula draws upon years of research, incorporating both modern science and ancient remedies that blend herbs and plants known to help digestion and detoxification.

“Digestic provides immediate relief from constipation, gas and bloating, but unlike a laxative, it is not just a Bandaid solution,” says Dr. Joe Raphael, an integrative lifestyle medicine specialist and consultant to Mimonis.  “It works to restore equilibrium to the intestinal eco-system, instead of merely cleaning it out.   As such, it is a powerful integrative lifestyle solution and an alternative to habit-forming laxatives and prescription medications.”

Following are the active ingredients featured in Digestic:

  • ·         PAPAYA is rich in vitamin A, C, E, and K, and a good fiber source. It is also filled with digestive enzymes that help break down waste and reduce inflammation.
  • ·         FENNEL is naturally high in fiber but also contains essential oils that help digestion, break down gastric juices and aid in the excretion of the stool.
  • ·         ALOE works as a lubricant to help stimulate bowel movements, and also fights free radicals, which cause inflammation.
  • ·         TREE WORMWOOD is a Mediterranean medicinal plant proven to relieve constipation, indigestion and related pain, heartburn and flatulence.
  • ·         CARDAMOM is rich in many vitamins, as well as manganese.  It has antioxidant properties that help promote digestive health.

Digestic is gluten-free, vegan, non GMO, certified kosher and uses only organic ingredients.  Users should begin by taking two capsules daily, with dinner.  If needed, dosage may be increased by adding two capsules before breakfast and or lunch. Daily dosage should not exceed six capsules.

Connect with Digestic by Mimonis:

My Thoughts:

I've always been intrigued by herbal remedies. Even in college, I've taken courses to see how they affect the human body. With detoxes becoming popular in the health and wellness world, I was interested in giving Digestic a try. After doing my research, I saw that there was nothing but herbs in the supplement. Some of the ones included I've even used before. My mom decided to try this detox with me as well. I was excited to have a girl's health pampering with her! 

The supplement arrived in an adorable bag with information pamphlets attached. My mom and I also made sure to read the back of the bottle as well to see the serving size and ingredients. We saw that the regular serving size was two. The amounts per serving size were: Fennel- 282 mg, Papaya- 235 mg, Tree Wormwood- 141 mg, Cardamom- 141 mg, and Aloe- 141 mg. After finishing up, mom and I decided it give it a try. 

I can honestly say her and I both felt a difference after our first dose of Digestic. It's recommended that people who do not have severe irregularity or negative digestive symptoms should start out slow. I decided to stick to one before moving on to two. After taking only one supplement, I actually felt my stomach muscles contracting. It was the oddest feeling, but it was also pretty cool!

There was a decrease in my normal bloating and I also felt lighter right away. I did not need to take Digestic every day to continue seeing a difference. If I did feel a little extra bloated, I only needed one to help with that. My mom needed to take a couple a day, but she was just as pleased with her results as I was. This was a wonderful cleanse for us!

What I love about Digestic is that there are no additives like many supplements on the market. The only other ingredient besides herbs is the veggie capsule the herbs are kept in, making this nonaddictive. They're soft and easy and swallow. What is also wonderful is that Digestic is non-GMO, organic, vegan, kosher and gluten free. From being able to do this test with my mom, I can say that it is important to start Digestic out slow, learning what works best for your body. I personally only needed one to see results, while my mom took the normal serving size. What works best for one may not work best for another, so take your time learning how much or how little works for you!

Overall, I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to do a safe cleanse and/or naturally help their digestive health.    


Unknown said... 1

I've taken Digestic before with great results. This time I had gas or stomach pain. I wonder why the difference. I do highly recommend this product though.

Martin J. said... 2


Pradhan mantri yojana said... 3

This content is really great. Thanks for sharing..
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Unknown said... 4

Two tablets caused uncontrollable diarrhea.

Unknown said... 5

I took one 2 days in a row. It did help me have a couple of substantial bowel movements but I also had tremendous amounts of gas after the second day.

Unknown said... 6

I cant swallow pills so I usually take it apart and swallow the herbs inside with some juice or yogurt. Is this safe to do?

Tad Hennessey said... 7

Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on home remedies for good digestion

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