Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back to School With LeapPad Platinum & Imagicards

I have a five-year-old daughter and she is always trying to grab her older brother and sister's devices. I tried to let her play some learning games on my iPad and she wound up sitting on it and cracking the screen. After that experience I was thrilled to get the opportunity to test out the LeapPad Platinum. It's a sturdy handheld tablet designed just for kids, and it's tough enough to put up with all they can throw at it. Right off the bat, I can tell you ours has been dropped, thrown and kicked more than once and it's none the worse for wear. Even the stylus is fixed securely with a string to prevent it getting lost. But lets move on to some of the other features.
 The LeapPad Platinum comes complete with some games and activities already installed and tons of apps you can purchase for an additional content.The game that comes with the LeapPad is a virtual pet game called PetPadParty. You can choose between cats, dogs, bears, and more. You can give them names and set them up in a virtual world. You can choose its name, colors, and care for it. Its definitely a cute game and my daughter is an animal lover so she really enjoyed it.

In addition to the game that is already installed, you can also go online to the store to find hundreds of other game options. You get one game for free with your initial purchase.  My daughter picked out Monster Reserve, which is all about shapes.  This free games features generic characters, but you can also pick from many of your favorite personalities including Frozen, Teenage Mutatnt Ninja Turtles, Paw Patrol, Dora, Sponge Bob, and tons more. They have a great selection, but given the price of the device, it would have been nice to have one or two more games included at no additional cost, even if it was a few more generic ones.

 In addition to all the fun games, there is still way more this system has to offer. There is a built in Wi-Fi system you can connect to the internet to download right onto the tablet. There is a camera, you can film videos, listen to music, and pretty much everything  you'd find on a adult tablet, just made simple to use so kids can handle it independently. The touch screen is receptive and the battery is rechargeable which is a really big plus.

 The LeapPad Platinum is  perfect for home and travel.  You can take with you in the car, to the doctor's office, or just about anywhere. The best part is that while your kids are having fun they are also learning. Every single game from LeapPad is educational. There is no violence, no mindless activity--just reading and counting and challenging kids' cognitive abilities. It challenges them again and again and can continue to do so well into their grade-school years because the games and books automatically adjust to your child's level of learning. Whether you are trying to teach a preschooler basic letters and numbers or encourage an older child to improve their reading skills, you are bound to find something for everyone with the LeapPad Platinum.

One of the new features of the Platinum is that it's compatible with some fun cards called Imagicards.We got to try out three of them.

Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles- This set focuses on math skills. Kids will need to use their math skills to recover mutagen canisters along with their favorite turtles. There is addition, multiplication, fractions and more. Plus you can answer trivia questions and take selfies with the turtles. Most of the games were a little to complicated for my kids (they are 4 and 5), but older kids will love it. I would say this is definitely geared for kids more towards the 8 year-old range.

Letter Factory Carnival - This set of cards features some of Leapfrog's classic characters. There are 26 cards with different letters that will lead them on quests. There are also lots of games that revolve around carnival fun.  They can win coins when they answer correctly which they can take to the prize wheel for virtual goodies.  This set is great for spelling, phonics, and learning sight words. It's perfect for younger kids.

Save Adventure Bay with Paw Patrol- This set is my kids' favorite from Imagicards because it features the adorable puppies from Paw Patrol. The games in this one are perfect for preschoolers. They will learn patterns,shapes, and counting. When they succeed at challenges, they will earn badges . Of course, the selfies were a big hit too. My kids loved having pics of themselves with Ryder and the gang.

While my kids did enjoy the cards, we already lost some of them. I do prefer the games that are available to download without cards, but they definitely are a fun and educational option.

If you want to learn more about the LeapPad Platinum or the Imagicards  or any of the other great products from LeapFrog, be sure to visit their website. You can also follow them on face book to keep up with the latest  promotions. Give your kids a head start on reading and check out LeapFrog today.

***As LeapFrog Mom Ambassador, I receive products, promotional items and educational material to use and share as I see t. However, any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.***


rochelle said... 1

This is nice for the kids

Shannon said... 2
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Shannon said... 3

LeapPad is a great learning tool for children. Thank you for the review.

kymom13 said... 4

Wow...how much LeapFrog has changed since my teen was a child! It's always had great learning games but technology has really made it better!