Friday, January 23, 2015

Milkies Softies Nursing Pads Review

The super soft, absorbent, and reusable nursing pad - 3 pairs per box!
Milkies Softies Nursing Pads have a unique 3-layer design that guards against leaks without adding bulk or puffiness to your bra. A plush 100% bamboo layer rests lightly against your skin, and wicks moisture away quickly. The inner microfiber layer is ultra-absorbent and the outer layer is microbe and leak resistant. Designed by nursing moms for nursing moms, Softies keep breastfeeding moms dry and comfortable.

Our Thoughts

I am so sick and tired of buying papery products that I have to throw away but I am one of those nursing mothers that has to wear nursing pads throughout my entire nursing relationship with my child. My son just turned six months old and I still have to wear nursing pads all day, and all night long.

One thing I really dislike about disposable nursing pads is that the papery ends poke at my skin and make my skin itch. Not a fan of that. The Milkies Softies live up to their name. They really are incredibly soft. You know right away which side is to be against your skin and which side isn't. 

You can't see these big bulky things through your shirt either, which is really embarrassing for many moms. They are large enough for even the most engorged lady that has a lot of milk issues so this size (and strength) is good whether you have a newborn or you're nursing a one year old and your supply has settled down.

I mainly have to worry about using mine at night while sleeping, and with laying down, all moms know we "shift" a little bit, but that's not a problem with these because of how thick/large they are (but again, not too much that it's really noticeable through your shirt). Each pack comes with three so while one is in the washer, one is being worn, you have one for backup too!

I just throw mine in with the regular wash with my clothes and I haven't had any problems with keeping them clean and the detergent doesn't bother my skin from it either. I am loving these Milkies Softies! They have many products for new moms like Nursing Tea, Nipple Nurture Balm, and Milk Savers!

Buy yours here and don't forget to check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Reviewed by Jackie


Shannon said...

These sound great for breastfeeding, thank you for your review.

rochelle said...

Nice review great for nursing moms

Rose-Marie said...

These sound perfect. I'm very sensitive even labels on clothing can make me itch like crazy.