Saturday, December 6, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: Dart Zone Scorpion Gatling Blaster

Dart Zone blasters are capable of shooting soft foam darts across the couch or past the backyard bushes … up to 70 feet! … thanks in part to the technology behind Prime Time's Super Darts. Super Darts are of course included, and optimized for use in the Scorpion Gatling Blaster. When the neighborhood kids see you with one of these blasters, they'll know you are serious about play!
As the mother of a 9 year old son, I can attest to the fact that boys love to play war, video games and other crazy things. This Gatling Blaster is fantastic for him to play bad cop good cop or whatever his imagination can think of. This is one of his favorite toys right now, and he always has it with him. Outside, inside, and even takes it in the vehicle to "take care of the bad guys" it never leaves his side.

Here's a few specs for you to look over:
  • Fully automatic motorized Gatling blaster
  • Rotating barrel and rapid-fire action
  • Includes a 20-round ammo belt and 20 Super Darts
  • Super Darts are high-performance darts that will fly up to 70'
  • Requires 6 AA batteries (not included)

This holiday season be sure to pick this toy up for your little soldier, it will be a hit! Without breaking the bank this blaster will impress any boy this Christmas!If you're wondering where you can get this from, you can find this toy exclusively at Wal-Mart.
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