Thursday, November 13, 2014

Add a Little Sparkle to Your Holiday with #Caboodles

Want to add a little sparkle  to your  holiday this winter! No wrapping paper necessary,  Caboodles new holiday collection of beauty organizers are decked in silver & gold! These glittery totes & train cases are so chic they'll get even the Grinchiest gal into the holiday spirit!      

Caboodles are available online and in stores nationwide (Ulta, Target, Walmart etc.) so they're the PERFECT go-to item for a last minute gift run (we know you’d NEVER put it off ’til the night before, but maybe if your friend needed a quick fix ;) Bonus points for outfitting your Caboodle with a lil something extra – maybe sneak in a shimmery nail lacquer or use a Caboodle as the worlds best gift card holder!

My Thoughts

 If you're tired of your daughter tossing her makeup all over the house, Caboodles has the perfect solution. Their beautiful train cases offer tons of storage space in fun designs teens will love. There are a variety of compartments so you can sort all your beauty must-haves. My daughter has nail polish in one section, make up in one, and moisturizers in another. There was even room for her hair straightener. The chaos on her dresser is now under control. 

One of the things I was worried about with this case, was the glitter getting all over everything. I could just see everyone in the house running around with silver sparkles in their hair and on their faces. I'm happy to report that wasn't an issue at all. The sparkles really don't come off, even when little siblings pick at it. The case is extremely well made with sturdy hinges and thick linings. It's by far the best make-up case/organizer you can ask for.  Even better, they make a great gift that you can fill up with lots of the recipients favorite things! Who needs stockings when you have Caboodles?

What I love most about Caboodles is that they are so timeless. I had one when I was a teenager. It was pink and purple, and I carried it around all through high school and college. The new train cases with their beautiful sparkles are bringing a classic to a new generation. My daughter loves it! Anyone with a teen should consider adding this to their holiday wish list. 

 If you'd like to learn more about Caboodles Train Cases and all their stunning products, be sure to visit their website. To keep up with new products and promotions, follow them on face book, twitter, pinterest or instagram.