Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sebastian Professional Dry Shampoo - Mother's Day Gift Guide

Sebastian Professional
The 1960s was all about experimentation – colours and shapes collided as people raised eyebrows, hemlines and their expectations of what style could be. And once the revolution had started it wasn’t about to stop – the brightest decade the world had ever seen was about to give way to something even more exciting...

LA stylist Geri Cusenza entered the 70s determined to push things further and take a generation from flower power to fearless hair fashion. Sebastian was founded on this principle of fearlessness. A thirst for innovation and changing the game has been our raison d’être from the word go. Today is no different.

o Dry Clean Only: Dry shampoo that enables style and transformation on-demand with breakthrough formula that instantly refreshes hair and adds texture

o Shine Shaker: Shine spray that offers a smoother dry feel, mirror-like shine and heat protection.

o Texture Maker: A gritty, reworkable texture spray that contains salt crystals for matte finish and medium hole

Our Thoughts

Smells amazing! Seriously, if this was a perfume I'd be stocking up. After I sprayed my hair, even my youngest child started commenting that the room smelt great ha! If you're ever needing volume for your hair, this is your product. No teasing necessary for puffy hair, it gave it "thick bounce" is what I'd call it. Now I can use this for easy up-dos and it'll stay in place and smell good! 

I can't say it necessarily cleaned my hair, I didn't notice any difference in the look, other than the poofiness and smell, but I certainly loved how easy it was to transform my drab hair into something manageable. I would almost liken this product to dry hair spray, it wasn't sticky, but it made my hair stay in place so I could do whatever I wanted with it!

Buy yours here and don't forget to check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube!

Reviewed by Jackie


An Apel a Day said... 1

I know I would like this. My hair is so frizzy the older I get.

Sarah Matos said... 2

I am all for a good smelling hair product!

Jennifer Rogers said... 3

Hmm.. I would like to try it for the lovely smell and bouncy hair alone. Sounds like I need to try something new!
Jennifer Rogers

Unknown said... 4

I love dry shampoo!! I actually keep a bottle with me in my gym bag for a quick spray after a work out. Ill have to give this one a try!

lil_lady_dz said... 5

Great products for improving hair care I must say, I love when products have a wonderful smell and great benefits.

Anonymous said... 6

Will Try Anything For My Frizzy Hair...So Thick, Curly & Frizzy

Unknown said... 7

There have been so many times that I wished I had a dry shampoo. I did not know much about them I will give this a try

Unknown said... 8

These products look amazing. My poor hair needs all the help it can get!