Wednesday, May 7, 2014

MOMS' NIGHT OUT and In the Raw In Home Party #NMNO14 #MNOMovie

On May 9th, Mom's Night Out will be hitting theaters. This fast-paced comedy is all about four moms who just want to get a night away, but things keep going wrong. The movie has a lot of familiar faces, including Sarah Drew (Grey's Anatomy), Sean Astin (THE LORD OF THE RINGS), and Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond, The Middle).

As a mom of four, this is definitely something I can relate too. I'm rarely get a chance to get out without my children and when I do, it's a moment to savor. I'm looking forward to heading out with a friend for a mom's night out to see the movie,but in the meantime, I enjoyed a mom's day in with a few friends to talk about the movie and try out Monk Fruit In the Raw.  In the Raw is an all natural sweetener that's a great substitute for sugar. It's a gluten-free option made using monk fruits.

We started off our party by handing out some swag. Everyone received information on the movie as well as key chains with some inspirational sayings. Of course, everyone was also given samples and coupons from In the Raw. But I think everyone's favorite gift was the beautiful Micky and Minnie prints.

One of of the fun activities we did was using a chalkboard to let the world know why we needed a night out. The best response, which we all voted on, won a $25 GC. Our winner was Becca with her "I'm losing my identity" quote. She's a little camera shy but worked that into the theme because covering her face with the board made it seem even more true!

Since some of us had little ones that aren't in school yet, we were even supplied with some fun printable activities for them, courtesy of HP.

The best part of the party was just having time to spend with other moms and one great-grand mom who had some amazing stories to tell about night's out back in the forties.  A few of us even set up a date for the movie this weekend!  We enjoyed our games and the chance to try out some tasty smoothies using In the Raw.  No one ever knew I didn't use sugar until I told them! It's great in coffee too!

 Moms all need time to get out together, whether it's a play date or a night on the town. Take a little time in the next few week to check out Mom's Night Out and make some fun memories you can share when you're a great grandma!