Saturday, May 3, 2014

Just Go Girl - Don't Leaks Stop You from Leading An Active Lifestyle

This is embarrassing to admit, but having four children has taken a toll on my body. When I was young, I could hold my bladder all day. I wouldn't touch a public bathroom with a ten foot pole. These days, I've become accustomed to squatting, but there are times when I can't even wait that long. When I'm exercising, running along the beach, doing yoga etc, sometimes there isn't a bathroom right there or I simply can't get there fast enough.

If I cough or sneeze when I'm trying to hold my bladder, there is sometimes a little leakage. It's not something I want to admit, but I've worn sanitary napkins when I'm out exercising or jogging along the nature trails, just in case.  I now I'm not the only one who has this problem. It's far more common than you might imagine and people are finally talking about it. Women are speaking out about mild incontinence, including Brooke Solis, the founder of Just Go Girl.

After the birth of her twins, Brooke Solis was determined to find a way to get back into shape. But an issue with athletic incontinence made exercise — particularly high-impact movement and jumping — a real obstacle. With five kids and a busy career as an attorney, Brooke looked to her 
workouts as the one hour of the day that she could dedicate to herself but as much as she loved high impact workouts, the incontinence pads that she wore during those workouts made her self conscious and uncomfortable. 
It didn’t take much research for Brooke to realize that she wasn’t the only woman dealing with athletic incontinence: Estimates find that 25 million women — from high school athletes and new mothers to women past their childbearing years — share her problem. That’s one out of every three women who may avoid exercise and its physical and mental health benefits because they are worried about athletic leaks. 

Never one to bow to a challenge, Brooke decided that if the right product to address the issue didn’t yet exist, she’d create one. 
After several trials, Brooke designed a pad that’s not only inconspicuous under form-fitting workout clothes, but is also comfortable and absorbent. While the pads are less bulky than a traditional sanitary napkin, they can hold up to 140ml of urine. She then decided to make the innovative JustGo Pad™, available to all active women as a solution to what can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable problem. 
Since its launch, this groundbreaking product has allowed women all over the country to “just go” on their runs, to their group fitness classes and to CrossFit training without frustration or anxiety. As a result, Solis has heard from grateful women of all ages and stages of life. By opening up the discussion about this issue, Solis has created a community where women not only can find an effective solution, but support and encouragement, as well. 
Raised in the Midwest, Brooke is a self-proclaimed “Type-A personality.” A graduate of Notre Dame, she worked in the financial sector before attending Yale Law School. A practicing attorney, Brooke currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and family. Her company, JustGoGirl, was launched in January 2014.

If you have issues with occasional leakage, especially during workouts, the JustGo Pad™ from Just Go Girl could be the answer you're looking for. They aren't bulky like diapers, but give you the protection you need to prevent embarrassing odors that regular menstrual pads can't offer.  The revolutionary teardrop design is so comfortable, you won't even remember you have it on.

The JustGo Pads are available exclusively on the Just Go Girl website for the reasonable price of $8 for a package of ten. If you work out regularly, you can also take advantage of their membership program  and order larger quantities for a significant  discount.  Still not sure if JustGo Pads are right for you? No problem. For a limited time, you can request a free sample and find out just how great they really are! Head to the Just Go Girl site and order your free samples today.  

Over 25 Million women experience mild incontinence. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and you shouldn't let it stop you from living your life the way you want to. Get back to the gym, hit the bike trails, or get into your downward dog position without fear. Just Go Girl is here to make sure you can do the things you love without worry.