Monday, May 12, 2014

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - Undone by His Desire by Dilys J. Carnie

SOR Undone by his Desire VBT Banner
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A lone woman…a mysterious stranger…and a secret.
When Daisy Wallace meets Micah, a man of mystery, she is bowled over by an instant attraction. A passionate encounter follows, but he’s holding back and Daisy doesn’t understand why.
Micah King has been retained by a client to locate the triplet daughters that she gave up for adoption, and he’s pretty sure Daisy is the youngest of the girls. He wants to tell Daisy the truth, but before he can he needs to verify that she is indeed the woman he’s looking for. He never meant to get involved with her, but she’s just so tempting.
When Daisy finds out the truth will she be able to forgive Micah’s lie by omission? After all, he’s deceived her from the first moment she laid eyes on him, and she’s had her fill of deceitful men. And can she forgive the woman who gave her up thirty years ago?
Content Warning: contains adult language and explicit sex
SORM excerpt

“I like it here…with you…in the kitchen.” His words were enunciated slowly as she gripped the edge of the sink, pressing her back into the hardness…it was no good, she couldn’t go back any further.
“Uh-huh.” Daisy cleared her throat, trying to eradicate the huskiness present every time she’d spoken to him that morning.
Micah’s eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong, Daisy?”
“Nothing.” She licked her lips.
“Yes, there is. Are you regretting last night?”
She swallowed, but her throat was bone dry. “Last night.” She sucked in a breath as he stood in front of her and his hands landed on either side of her with a thud, coming to rest on the countertop.
“Have you got a boyfriend?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Keep it that way.”
“Pardon me.”
“Don’t go looking for one…we have unfinished business.”
She lifted her hands and pushed at his hard chest, which of course was a complete waste of time. “Now look here, you can’t tell me what to do.”
“Yes, I can.” He kissed her hard, short, and succinct, and the power behind it made her knees tremble.
“No, you can’t. If I want to go out and find a man, I will.” She spoke defiantly with her chin held high, but it was lost in the fact that her chin only came up to his chest, and she had to strain further to look him in the eye. Her fingers tingled at the heat emanating from him. The smooth cotton of his shirt was soft to the touch, and his heartbeat was strong as the beat echoed against her fingertips.
“I don’t think so.”
“Excuse me.” She pulled her head back and looked at him.
“Don’t start thinking that you can bed someone else.”
Her cheeks heated as she tried to push him away. “What the hell? You can’t tell me who I can go to bed with…you hardly know me, and you most certainly don’t have the right.”
“After last night…you do want me, and if I hadn’t stopped we would have been in that bed together. I would’ve made you forget whatever it is that has made you lose your confidence. You’re one of the sexiest, most beautiful women I’ve ever met, and when I do what I have to…I’m going to show you exactly how much I really want you.”
“That’s just arrogant.”
His smile was slow and sexy, and she was pretty sure that had he not been holding her up she would’ve glided to the floor in a stream of unbridled lust. His hardness was pressed against her stomach.
“Arrogant?” He shook his head. “No, that’s not justifying the way I feel, but I’m confident you feel the same way.”
“You think so, huh?” When she’d offered him a bed last night he’d refused.
He kissed her again, a little slower this time. Their kisses were hotter than a sauna on a cold day. She could hear the baby in the background, but it was as if she was a distant voice.
He parted from her just enough to speak and she watched his lips move. They were sexy, and she had to push herself to listen to what he was saying.
“I have to fly out today. I have a meeting tomorrow I need to be at, but when Amy goes down for her nap, we need to talk. I need to tell you why I’m here.”
She frowned as his words penetrated her sex-befuddled mind. “What do you mean why you’re here? I thought it was something to do with a golf course?”
“Actually…that was a lie.”
“I knew there was something not quite right about that. If a golf course was going to be built I would’ve known. Jeez, you can’t sneeze on this island without everybody knowing before you’ve even finished.” She narrowed her eyes. Something was definitely going on. She pushed him away, catching him off balance.
* * * *
The look of worry that crossed her features made Micah want to kick himself. He hadn’t meant to say anything, but damn it all to hell, he didn’t seem to have much control over anything when she was around, including speech. He was trained to take all kinds of torture and not say a word, and now he only had to look at her and he was like some dribbling teenager.
“Daisy, I’m–” Before he could get his words out the frantic tone of her voice stopped him.
“You’re from them, aren’t you?” She leaned over, lifted Amy up from her chair and wrapped her arms around the baby. “You can just go back and tell whoever it is you work for that I don’t have it…zilch…zitto, and even if I did, you wouldn’t get a dime from me.”
Buy Links: Beachwalk Press    Amazon     Barnes & Noble

SORM About the Author

My home is on the beautiful island of Anglesey on the west coast of North Wales. Anglesey has been my home since the age of eleven after moving here with my mum and dad and three sisters from Scotland.
I’m the proud mother of two grown children. My daughter Emma is a primary school teacher, and my son Christopher is part of the family business.
I’m a health freak and a vegetarian. Pilates class combined with visiting the gym at least four times a week keeps me fit. I love clothes, makeup, and having my nails and hair done. I’m just a girl’s girl.
If I’m not in my office pounding the keys I’m sitting in my favorite chair reading books and discovering new authors on my Kindle.
As a young child I loved to write. I always carried a notebook and pen around with me and wrote about everything. I never thought for one moment I would ever be able to pick up a book with my name on it and say “I wrote that”. It was a dream come true when I signed with a publisher for my first book in November 2012. So, dare I say at the young age of fifty I think it’s time for me to see if those dreams are everything that I hope they will be.
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SORM Giveaway
The author is giving one lucky a winner a choice of any eBook off her backlist.
 For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.
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