Sunday, May 11, 2014

Blog Tour: WWII Diary Stories by the Airmen of the 22nd Bomb Squadron by David K. Hayward

David K. Hayward, a B-25 medium bomber pilot during World War II, provides the reader with 94 stories written by 13 storytellers of his 22nd Bomb Squadron in the China-Burma-India Theater of World War II. The stories are illustrated by 240 caricatures drawn by pilot-artist John A. Johns of the squadron.

Our Thoughts:

My grandfather was in WWII, and growing up we heard stories about his time in the Navy. We listened so closely to what he had to say, and how he fought for his survival after his ship was sank. Being able to listen first hand to what happened and how was so exciting.

The same is true of this book! Hayward does a wonderful job compiling stories from the Airmen to gain that first hand knowledge of their time and sacrifice during the war! This is such a wonderful way to preserve these stories for the families for generations! I know I wish I had my grandfather's stories written down somewhere for my children, but, sadly, I don't.

Stories, are the greatest asset we have as humans to relay and relive our trials and triumphs and this is portrayed beautifully in this book. In any war, not just WWII, soldiers wrote. They wrote to their families across the world, and they wrote just to break the monotony of every day life.

 Sometimes, they weren't pleasant and happy. Sometimes they were about losing comrades in combat, or injuries they sustained. Troubles within platoons were jotted down on paper. And, yet, there were stories of happiness. Written logs of diaries from soldiers getting letters from home. Diaries of triumphs in the field. Good news being sent that the war was over and they were going home!

This book is wonderful. I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed reading this with my son. For any avid history reader this book is right up your alley. Thanks to Virtual Book Worm for letting us be a part of this tour!

You can purchase this book here.