Monday, April 21, 2014

ShareBrands Yoga Mat - Mother's Day Gift Guide

The first of its kind. This recyclable and biodegradable mat is made from 100% TPE material. Thermoplastic elastomers show advantages typical of both rubbery materials and plastic materials - giving a flexible, light weight and elegant finish. Free from toxins, PVC, latex and natural rubber, this is a yogi's dream.

And remember, when you buy a ShareBrands yoga mat, 25% of the sale price goes to one of our social causes. Thank you for sharing happiness.

Look at all the options!

And this is the cool one I got:

How relaxing is this, you'll want your mother or wife to enjoy this too!

Our Thoughts

Everyone knows that yoga is good for you, and I've definitely wanted to up some prenatal yoga stretches so I was excited to test out the ShareBrands yoga mat as my previous one was destroyed by my young monsters. Now I get that "me time" in the morning to start my day off right and pain-free.

I really like the color and feel of this mat. I wanted something that wasn't pink so my hubby would be inclined to some stretches for his back as well, and the material is super soft, much better than my last mat. It is also really long too, or maybe it's just the right size. My feet don't awkwardly slip off the mat when I do downward dog anymore so that's good news. 

I'm appreciative of the fact that this is an "eco" mat, as all eco product help the Earth and that is something I support. Better the Earth and better your health with ShareBrands!

Buy yours here and don't forget to check out their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Reviewed by Jackie


An Apel a Day said...

I need to get a few of these for my kids actually. They love doing yoga.

rj7777 said...

I like the material of this and how they donate money to help out the environment for great causes. This looks like a great product! Great review. I have never heard of the brand before.

Buddy Garrett said...

I like the eco mat. It sounds comfortable.