Tuesday, March 25, 2014

JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation

"Product was received for free in exchange for an honest review."

20-minute workouts, no equipment, 4x4 space - all you need is your body

  • 40-day program, total of 8-hours - that's 1 day at your job
  • Lose up to 30-lbs in 40 days
  • Creator Jay Cardiello, voted top 60 in health & wellness worldwide

  • Why It Works

    The Science Behind the System

    The JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation system is based on RAPID MUSCLE RESPONSE® instruction and training. It quickly stimulates your muscles to raise your metabolism to burn fat, through a special combination of strengthening and stabilizing movements. These movements are done in targeted 30-Second Result Blasts, which Fast Flow from one to the next. Done in 20-minute workout sets, these Result Blasts deliver much faster, much better weight loss and toning results than traditional cardio and strength training.
    Here is the secret formula to JCORE™ Accelerated Body Transformation™:
    Rapid Muscle Response®
    + 30-Second Result Blasts™
    + Fast Flow™
    = Accelerated Body Transformation
    What is Rapid Muscle Response? The JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation System stimulates your muscles by forcing YOUR brain to fire more rapidly, to get your muscles to react more rapidly and make adjustments to your body’s position. These responses are motivated by challenges such as standing on one leg while performing other exercises. Similar to joint stability training and core strengthening, Rapid Muscle Response instruction and training also has your brain tell your body to re-stabilize, by taking each joint and muscle through various angles and full ranges of motion. This means your muscles get worked from all angles, so they have no choice but to react rapidly — to burn fat and rebuild! And they get conditioned to work smart and burn — even on your days off!
    What are 30-Second Result Blasts? 30-Second Result Blasts are how Jay helps you get maximum results, as you change exercises every 30 seconds. Each exercise is designed to drive optimum results, burn more fat, and sculpt more lean muscle every 30 seconds you do it. This means, every 30 seconds you are seeing results!
    What is Fast Flow? Jay’s workouts are sequenced in a Fast Flow, so you move seamlessly and efficiently between exercises, to burn more fat and reshape you from head to toe!
    That’s Accelerated Body Transformation in action!

    My thoughts:  

     I have finished my second week doing the Jcore workout.  And wow two thumbs up!  I actually look to my twenty minute work out with Jcore.  Never thought I would say that about exercise. 

    I was so excited when I put on a pair of my jeans that were not as snug as they were prior to Jcore.  gives me even more motivation to keep working Jcore. I just can't believe my body transformation in just two weeks.  I am continuing to follow the easy diet through Jcore.

    Calorie-free and caffeine-free dietary drink mix, with patented PURE & NATURAL 94% Teavigo® EGCG Green Tea Extract. Human clinical studies show Teavigo® will increase metabolism and reduce body fat. Zero-Lite is available in two flavors: Raspberry Lemonade & Lemonade. Comes in a 90 serving sealable bag; 30 day supply.
    My thoughts: I drink the lemonade flavor.  I have just one, one month supply.  It taste so good, I think I may run out before the month is up. 

    Dietary snack replacement mix, with patented 8-hour appetite-curbing Fabuless® that provides all the proteins, carbs, and fats for a snack. Human clinical studies show that Fabuless® will reduce calorie intake by 30% and prevent weight regain after dieting. Body-Lite is available in two flavors: Chocolate & Vanilla. Comes in a 30 serving sealable bag; 30 day supply

    My thoughts:  I have the Vanilla flavor, and love the taste.  Finally something the curbs my appetite, that tastes great! I plan on trying the Chocolate flavor after I finish the Vanilla.  Definitely worth the try if you haven't.

    To order or for information visit the JCORE website.

    ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***