Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Chillow: Item for Your Family Flu Fighting Arsenal

It is estimated, on average, approximately 5%-20% of U.S. residents get the flu each year ( With most outbreaks occurring in January and February, Flu season is right around the corner. Protect your family this winter by preparing your flu fighting arsenal. While pain killers, tea bags and thermometers may already be your go-to flu time remedies- help your loved ones feel even better with the soothing comfort of Chillow.

·         Chillow is a portable pillow insert that provides instant personal cooling relief.

·         A cool Chillow under the arms, forehead or groin area provides relief from uncomfortable flu symptoms.

·         While most regular pillows trap heat, Chillow absorbs the heat that radiates from the body and releases it into the air.

·         Chillow is activated by adding water to its inner chamber (a cup of water may need to be added monthly depending on climate). It can be customized to four different cooling comfort levels to satisfy personal needs. Once its temperature is set, it stays at that level and provides cooling relief for hours.

My Thoughts

If you experience hot flashes or night sweats, the Chillow is an affordable way to cool off.  All you have to do is fill it with water and lay it on top of your pillow. It creates a long-lasting cool place to rest your head. I was a worried that it would be uncomfortable to lay on, but aside from it cooling me off, I didn't even notice it was there. It stays cool all night and helps me get a better night's sleep.  It does get a little heavy once you fill it with water, so I would suggest only using it with a sturdy pillow.

I thought the Chillow was a wonderful, refreshing experience on hot, sweaty nights. But I can find more uses for it than just relief from nighttime sweats. When my kids have a fever, it will provide comfort and coolness to help bring the fever down. And I am definitely getting one for my mom for her birthday to help with menopause hot flashes. It's also great for muscle aches and headaches. You don't even have to use it with a pillow. You can lean back against it your chair or rest your feet on it. There are a millions ways to use the Chillow.

If you'd like to learn more about the Chillow, check out their website or become a fan on face book