Friday, December 27, 2013

Zoomer Interactive Dog #Giveaway

Welcome to the Zoomer Interactive Dog Giveaway!

($89.99 Value) Sponsor: SpinMaster Hosted by: Rude Mom
Rude Mom had the chance to review an interactive dog named Zoomer. Her son, Denver has had a great time training Zoomer. It is all the fun of having a dog without all the mess and since we have cats, this makes a perfect toy for them to chase. He rolls over, plays dead, and even acts like he is using the potty...LOL. But the cutest thing is when you tell Zoomer you love him he tells you right back. As most of you know Denver has autism and this has been a wonderful experience for him and us. We have enjoyed watching him train Zoomer and interact with him daily. I would highly recommend Zoomer with out a doubt.


Zoomer is an interactive puppy with multiple sensors that enable him to behave just like a real dog. Of course, like any puppy (or kid!) Zoomer might not always listen the first time if he’s feeling rambunctious. He’s all the fun of a family pet without the mess, vaccinations and responsibility.
  • A loving, loyal friend for ages 5+
  • Can learn dozens of different tricks
  • Understands English, French and Spanish (UK Zoomer understands Russian too!)
  • If you press the button on Zoomer's back, he'll reward you with a random trick
  • Easy and fun to train


One lucky Rude Mom reader is going to win a Zoomer Interactive Dog of your own!
Prize: One Zoomer Interactive Dog ($89.99 Value)
Open to US/Candian residents only. Giveaway will run from 12/27 until 1/10 at 12 am EST.
Use the rafflecopter below to gain entries…Don’t forget to come back daily to receive your extra entries!
Good Luck from Rude Mom and all the awesome bloggers who are helping to promote!

Disclosure: This blog did not receive monetary compensation for this review and giveaway, and is not responsible for prize shipment. All opinions are my own and 100% honest. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and all social networks are in no way associated with this giveaway.
For Companies: Would you like to have your products featured in a similar review and/or giveaway? Want to increase your social media exposure? Contact to see what we can do for you!


GabbyLowe said... 1

We have a cat and a dog

furygirl3132 said... 2

No I don't have any cats or dogs. Maybe someday we will get a dog though. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!


Jenny Q. said... 3

We do not have a dog, my daughter would love one (but is allergic). She would love this toy one!

couponing2ourdreams said... 4

No I do not have a pet.

Jillian Too said... 5

I don't have any pets.

ReggieMann said... 6

I don't have any pets but we had dogs when I was growing up

melissaandkeith miller said... 7

we have a dog

Anita Yancey said... 8

Our dog passed away from old age, so we don't have any pets right now.

Brandy said... 9

We have 6 cats. We would have a dog if we could. Maybe one day. ;)

Unknown said... 10

2 dongs named Brenna and Rufus

Melissa said... 11

I have a cat and a dog! :)

Anonymous said... 12

We have a big dog
Tina M

Kristie said... 13

We have both dogs and cats.

Unknown said... 14

No we don't. My daughters are asking if we can have a puppy though. :)

Eron Richmond said... 15

We have both a dog and a cat

the News said... 16

zoomer is the best robot dog ever

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