Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide: Music to my Nose

**This product was received free in exchange for an honest review.**

Lauren Loesner, 17 yr. old High School Film Student/Musician/Entrepreneur creates Music inspired Perfume Company with a passion for giving back.

Her idea was simple. She often wondered if music were to have a scent what would it be?  Her quest began in search of musically inspired perfume that depicted the feeling and emotion of music and it simply did not exist in the marketplace. So, in typical “Lauren like fashion” she had the idea to create music inspired perfume herself. She brought this idea to her parents and together they thought the idea was fabulous!

Lauren and her family quickly realized that creating perfume was much like creating a song or a musical score. Perfume is comprised of notes to achieve a certain scent starting with base, then middle and top notes. They all dove head first into the world of perfume and how it’s made, reading multiple books, researching online and countless hours creating and experimenting with homemade perfume.

Our Thoughts:

Perfume is a matter of the person's choice in most situations. Music to my Nose is a beautiful addition to anyone's spread of scents. Just in time for the holidays, you won't be sorry to give this new company a look over.

Lined with scents like rose, violet, and red berries, my sample of Classical is, well, shall we say a Masterpiece! Just like any classical piece of music, it starts out strong, and in the end leaving just a hint of sustain in the air.
Priced well, $18 won't break the bank and is a great gift this season! Applicator is a roller ball, which makes traveling a breeze! This actually stays in my purse just in case I need a touch up through out the day when I'm running errands!

Definitely an interesting thought to add music to your perfume, and Miss Lauren, didn't go wrong! What a wonderful way to celebrate music, and also give back to the community!

Find them at:
Reviewed by Steph

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***