Monday, November 18, 2013

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - Growing Love by Lacey Wolfe

The Brookfield Series
Resigned to raising her baby without the father, Diane has everything figured out—a substitute dad in place, a support system ready, and a new home to move into—at least until the day he knocks on her door.

Matt tried to let Diane go, tried to forget that she was carrying his child, but an ultrasound picture brings his walls tumbling down. He can’t stay away any longer. But he hasn’t always been perfect. Diane and he share a past full of deceit and lies and now they have only nine months to undo it all and become responsible adults. It’s not only about them anymore.

With complications in her pregnancy, Diane is forced to move back to Brookfield to be under the care of her family. All she has to do is keep her feelings for Matt in check and she can stick to her original plan—raise the baby with Tom.

But it seems Matt has a few choice words about that…


Diane set the brush down after combing out all her tangles. All she needed was a light layer of makeup and she’d be ready. Tom was supposed to be coming today and she couldn’t wait to see him. The last few days, she’d been feeling like herself again. Maybe it was time to go home. As much as she wanted to stay in Brookfield, she wasn’t sure it was right.

Matt had been leaving her alone. Aside from one day he’d left some bakery items for her with Alyssa. He hadn’t done it again. Diane wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing. One moment he’d been adamant about being in her life and now he was gone.

She needed to stop thinking about him and especially stop wanting him. But she’d always been attracted to him, even when he’d dated Alyssa. She found herself making eyes at him though she knew it was wrong. But when it had come to Matt, she threw all morals out the window. And she couldn’t do that anymore. She had a baby to think of.

After turning off the bathroom light, she went into the living room to sit and rest a few. She wanted to get out for a bit, maybe go see a movie. That required sitting and would be enjoyable. Hopefully she could convince Tom.  He was acting more and more like a mother hen these days.

A light knock sounded on the door. Diane hopped up and grinned. She opened the door and practically jumped into his arms.

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d be that happy to see me.”

She stepped back and straightened her clothes. This was awkward. How did she explain this. Though it had felt good to have his arms around her again. “Matt, what are you doing here?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Obviously I wasn’t who you were happy to see.”

“Tom’s supposed to be coming.”

“Can I come in?” he asked nervously.

Was that a good idea? “I don’t know.”

“I promise not to get you upset.”

“Okay.” She motioned for him to enter. She might as well see what he wanted. “This won’t take long, will it?”

Matt glanced at her. “No.”

They sat down on opposite couches but still by each other in the living room. Maybe she should move over a cushion. Diane knew she needed to keep the tension down. But something about this man got her blood pumping. Whether it was hopping in the sack or getting in an argument, she stayed all hot and bothered around him.

“Your sister told me I’m the cause of your stress.”

So that was why he’d been leaving her alone. She was going to kill Alyssa, or was she?

“I don’t want you having this baby early because of me.” He paused. “Or more likely, I don’t want to be the one blamed. If you want, I’ll go away until after you have our son. Just as long as I’m not the one who is blamed if the baby is colicky or something like that. I can’t be the cause of every problem.”

The cause of problems? Where had he gotten this idea from? “Matt, no one blames you—”

“Yes, you and your sister do. Hell, Cody might too. But at least he talks to me to find out my side. All I get from Alyssa is to go away until the baby arrives. As though the problems in this pregnancy were caused by me.” He took a deep breath and continued, “I don’t mean to come here and argue, but I’m tired of being a doormat.”

She hated that he felt that way. “You’re not.”

He snickered. “You just don’t see it. I don’t want to fight or see you get upset. Each time I’ve talked to you has landed you with contractions. But I’m trying. I really am. If you’d let me, I’d be so much more.” His eyes were dark with passion and she knew what he meant. “But I understand you’re with Tom.”


“Don’t apologize. I let you go. One of my biggest mistakes.”

Diane didn’t even realize she was standing or know how she got onto the same couch with Matt. But her lips found his and when they touched, all was right again. They stayed still a moment with just their lips touching. God, she wanted this man. But as she wrapped a hand around his neck to deepen the kiss, she felt him resist. She pulled back and gazed into his eyes.

“Why did you do that?” he asked.

She sat frozen, staring at him. “I, uh. I don’t know.”

“We can’t do that.”

Matt was telling her no. He’d told her he wanted her. And she’d kissed him. Now he was telling her he couldn’t do this. Wow, she was really confused. She wiped her hands across her pants before she stood and paced a little. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment. This man was going to drive her insane.

“Please, sit.” He patted the couch.

“No. I’m not going to sit down. I’m sick and tired of everyone telling me to sit down. Everyone thinks they know what I need or want. But they don’t.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Maybe I want you too.”

“What about Tom?”

“What about me?” Tom appeared.

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Watch the Series Trailer:

~Other books available in the Brookfield Series~

Bed, Breakfast, and You

Claire holds the keys to her future, in more than one way.

As if the recent death of Claire Stevens’ parents isn’t enough, someone wants to steal Honeycreek Bed and Breakfast right out from under her. But Claire isn’t about to roll over and let them. She’s prepared to fight.

Jace Brown is Brookfield’s main attorney, and after delivering the bad news to Claire about her property, he knows all about being on her bad side.

As Claire gets to the bottom of this scandal, she’s surprised to have Jace by her side, fighting along with her. The attraction is instant, but can it last after the dust settles?

Buy Links: Amazon     Barnes & Noble     

Finding Home

Julie Miller has returned to her home in Brookfield, Wyoming after discovering she is pregnant. All she wants is her mother to comfort her after her boyfriend told her to either have an abortion or leave. The only problem is, when she gets to her mother’s house, she doesn’t find her mom—she finds a half-naked man cooking breakfast.

Mark Thomas has moved to Brookfield to escape his past. He needs a fresh start to try and forget the things that haunt him, and Brookfield seems like the perfect place.

As if it isn’t bad enough that Julie doesn’t find her mother, a blizzard buries the town, and she is snowed in with Mark. Leaving them no choice, they begin a friendship while trying to resist the attraction they feel for one another.

Once the snow melts, Julie is free to leave. Will she choose to start a life in Brookfield or run back to New York? Meanwhile, Mark struggles to let go of his past and, if he does, is Julie his future?

Buy Links:   Amazon   Barnes & Noble

Bare Necessities

Ava Miller’s dream is to open a lingerie shop and she has chosen Brookfield, Wyoming to let that dream come true. After years of bad relationships, Ava is living life for herself and isn’t going to let anyone get in the way. Once she meets the town sheriff though, she finds herself in a flirtatious battle that she genuinely enjoys.

Seth Hampton is the towns Sheriff and when Ava moves into town, he isn’t sure what hit him. One moment he craves her and the next he wants her to leave simply because of the type of store she is opening. But, he isn’t alone. Someone else wants Ava to leave town also and it vandalizing her shop and making it look as though it’s Seth.

Ava isn’t sure what to think. Everything points to Seth but something inside of her is telling her that he would never do it. Can Ava and Seth figure it out before one of them gets hurt? 

Buy Links:     Amazon    Barnes & Noble    

Not Just Friends

Can the quiet bookstore owner land the playboy?

Alyssa Duncan’s life revolves around books. If not for the fact the town’s playboy Connor Phillips has a
secret reading addiction, she most likely wouldn’t be on his radar…or his friend.  The two personalities just don’t mesh…or do they? She gets a chance to find out when a book-reading bet leads to dinner. Alyssa experiences a wide a range of emotions. She’s elated her beyond-friendship feelings seem returned, but his reputation precedes him. Is she just another gullible female in a string of women? As a relationship begins to develop with Connor, going past the limits of friendship, things grow muddled and complicated when an ex-boyfriend shows up in town and things aren’t what they seem.

When the dust finally settles, will Alyssa find true love with someone or end up with just another friend?
Buy Links:   Amazon    Barnes & Noble     

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.
Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.

Author Links:    Site     Twitter    Facebook

 Lacey is giveaway away any book in the Brookfield Series to three lucky winners.
To enter for a chance to win please fill out the Rafflecopter.

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