Friday, October 4, 2013

Book Spotlight & Giveaway - The Enchanter by Kristy Centeno

Leah Parker is furious when she finds out she’s been paired up for a class project with deadly silent, tough as nails, and incredibly intimidating Brandon Morris. Though she’s known him for years, Leah has made it a priority to stay away from him for a reason. As they are forced to spend time together however, Leah comes to find that there is more to Brandon than what meets the eye.

When a series of unexpected events forces Brandon to reveal his true identity, Leah suddenly finds herself fighting to come to terms with who he is and with the fact that by fulfilling his destiny she will come to lose the only guy she’s ever loved. As a family secret is unveiled and old threats possess new risks, they both have to find the strength to do what is expected of them. Even if that means losing each other in the process.

Love brought them together. His bloodline threatens to pull them apart. Will Brandon choose duty over love? Or will other forces far beyond their control separate them first?


Brandon tore his lips away from mine so he could explore my neck, nipping and nibbling as he traveled the length of it. Deliberately, gently, passionately, he kissed a path down my skin and paused only when he reached my naked shoulder. “So soft,” he murmured, the hoarseness of his voice forcing my body to break out in goose bumps.

My fingers intertwined in his hair, forcing the long locks out of the black bow keeping it neatly tied at the nape of his neck. As soon as it came loose, his dark hair cascaded around his face like a curtain, making him look like some exotic creature of the night.

“Brandon…” I glanced up at his pale blue eyes, admiring the beauty of them. “Kiss me… please.”

He immediately obliged, devouring my lips with so much intensity it caused my knees to wobble. Heat, fast and powerful, spread through my body in rapid sequences as our tongues playfully toyed with each other and our bodies touched. I moaned when the feel of his strong, hard, and warm body pressed against mine. I did enjoy his masculinity and how wonderful it felt to have his hands massaging my back.

Feeling the need to explore, I untangled my fingers from his long mane and slowly allowed my hands to glide down his neck, and to his upper torso where they paused just over his pectorals. The tips of my fingers slowly slithered over his hard-as-steel chest and there they lingered for a while, exploring, touching, and feeling. Ever so slightly, they lowered to his abs, which despite the jacket and white shirt, I detected to be just as defined as the rest of him.

My greedy fingers worked their magic over Brandon, who immediately groaned and pulled away from me. His breath was ragged, his eyes filled with lust, his body language tense.

“Leah… I…”

A movement over his left shoulder caught my attention and I no longer focused on him or on what he was saying.

“Brandon, I don’t think we’re alone anymore,” I murmured as another flash of whiteness rushed from one side to the other, some ten to fifteen feet from us. It was too dark for me to determine who it was, but I was certain of one thing: we were being watched.

Buy Links:  Barnes and Nobles     Amazon      All Romance

As a child, Kristy used to lose herself in an imaginary world by the means of a good book. Now that she’s all grown up, she gets to create her own fictional realms and make them come to life in ways that most readers might not expect.
 Writing has always been a passion of hers but she never had the opportunity do so until now. After trying out numerous options, she realized that writing was what she loved the most and so she decided to give it a shot. As it turns out, her very active imagination helped her achieve her goals of creating believable plots with some ordinary, and some not so ordinary characters that move the stories along in one way or another.
As she keeps achieving her dreams of becoming a published author, she divides her time in between four children and a very understanding husband.

Author Links:   Site     Blog    Twitter    Facebook

Kristy will be giving away 5 eBook copies of Enchanter during her tour.
For a chance to win please fill out the Rafflecopter below.

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