Saturday, June 29, 2013

Udder Covers: Nursing Cover Ups

"Product was received for free in exchange for an honest review."

About the Company:
Because she doesn't prefer the spotlight, and her story deserves to be told, this page was written by her employees.
Udder Covers™ is one of the many creations of Jenny Pierce in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Although Jenny is currently a full time at-home mother of 5 children, she's known to spend 40 hours or more per week working on or improving her many Mothers Lounge brands. It all started in 2005 when she invented the Milk Bands™ breastfeeding bracelet which is sold in thousands of stores worldwide. 
Jenny has a passion for trying to make mom's lives easier in all that she does and believes that her products will make a difference in yours. Since 2005, Jenny has launched multiple mother & baby product lines including Udder Covers™, Seven™ brand baby slings, Carseat Canopy™, Nursing Pillow, and has future product lines in the works. Her favorite part of the business is designing. She's had a hand in every fabric print, logo, photo shoot, and image used with any of her brands. Jenny continues to be the visionary for the company's ambitious future.

Our Thoughts:
Being a mother who nurses, I have no problems nursing in public! I am all for women who freely nurse their sweet babies without a cover up. I love the idea of this type of cover up due to the fact that they're classy, well made, and light. 
Udder Covers has made a wonderful product, with a band at the top so you can see little bub the whole time without worry. Quality and ease are important to mom's today, and Udder Covers has done both! Super easy to use, and maneuver around, it's not bulky or a hassle. There are lots of styles to choose from and I love mine in Swayze. 
Reviewed by Steph
a Rafflecopter giveaway
***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. Please note that I am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


J Rodney said...

I would love to have the Grace udder cover, it is so stylish and beautiful.

mecarolks said...

I like the Natalie

Randi S said...

I love Taylor, or Grace (ironic since Taylor is my son's middle name, and Grace will be our daughter's middle name haha)

Linda Trinklein said...

I love noah!
and then caleb

Jessyca said...

I like the Aubrey Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have Swayze. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

Nicolle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

Adore the Aubrey :)

ktgonyea at gmail dot com

Adrienne said...

I like Noah.

hannah said...

I love them all but guess I'd go with Grace

momo said...

I like the Mason cover, that is my grandson's last name. And it would match the diaper bag I bought for them.

rosie said...

I like the grace cover

Melissa B. said...

I like the Swayze Udder Cover.

Breanne said...


Unknown said...

the Mason cover is cute :)

Jenn McClearn said...

I like the Jordan cover the best

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the swayze cover

Unknown said...

I love the Natalie!

vera p. said...

I like the Noah

Unknown said...

I like the Aubrey

brendaelsner said...

I like the Aubrey

Erica C. said...

I like the Taylor cover.

wallindeb said...

I like Jordan

Cynthia Kolakowski said...

I very much like the Natalie. Super cute!

MELINA said...

like the Grace cover

bbrittbrat1398 said...

Swayze Udder Cover
Brittney House

Amanda Bess said...

I love the Natalie!

Allison said...

Love the Aubrey!

Unknown said...

I like the Mason

Unknown said...

I would like taylor udder

Unknown said...

Grace is beautiful! I love it because I have a baby boy so it is not too girly but just girly enough for me. A nice combo for both him & me.

Unknown said...

i like the grace cover

susansmoaks said...

i would choose the sunshine fabric, so bright and beautiful
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

Kathy P said...

I like the Natalie pattern :)

Melanie Montgomery said...

I like Swayze.

Carolyn Daley said...

I like the Noah pattern.

Lauren Harmon said...

I like the Aubrey... But they are all cute!

michedt said...

I like the noah cover.

Unknown said...

I think the Aubrey design would be great as a gift. lexbaylor17 (at) gmail (dot) com

cman said...

I like the Grace cover.