Thursday, May 23, 2013

Special Post and Giveaway: Why The World Needed A Children’s Book About A Deaf Little Girl

Posted by Tara.

Please welcome Wendy Kupfer, who wishes to share her children's book just in time to honor Hearing Loss Awareness Month.

In 1977, at 10 months of age, our beautiful baby was diagnosed with a profound hearing loss and the very prominent doctors said she would never speak. There were unlimited resources back then for parents... no Internet... no Google... no "Apple”… no anything. Gathering pertinent information was quite challenging.

Today it's a different world and fortunately a totally different experience for parents. My daughter, Ali, has beautiful speech, a master’s degree in social work and a career of service to adults with disabilities. The world is now entrenched in technology. Parents are supporting each other through Facebook and Yahoo groups and access to resources and information is truly endless. But yet, children's books showing vibrant characters wearing hearing devices haven't advanced in the marketplace as much as you would think.

Books pertaining to hearing loss are not usually found on the shelves of your favorite bookstore (fortunately they can be ordered on-line). Many of these books are lacking in eye appeal when compared to the likes of Pinkalicious or Olivia. Is that why they aren't usually found in our beloved book stores or, are these books lacking in eye appeal because the major publishers aren't all that interested in publishing them and the bookstores aren't all that interested in offering them. The question is what came first...the chicken or the egg???

I must clarify that you just can't ever have too many books and the authors that wrote the existing books are truly amazing and their efforts are to be commended! Many of these authors had to self-publish with limited resources because the publishers weren't interested. But they did it...because of how much they care! All of these books are important in the life of a child with hearing loss, but something was clearly missing. 

Honestly, I was stunned...completely baffled. After all, this was 2011 and we had advanced in ways we never dreamed possible. And…according to the March of Dimes, hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects. There are over 3 million children in the US with significant hearing loss and 50% of these children are under the age of three. So why wasn't the literary world nurturing our deaf children's self-esteem and teaching hearing children about hearing loss? Why wasn't there a book with the style, appeal and whimsy of Knufflebunny or The Cat In The Hat? 

This realization reignited my passion as a life-long advocate for deaf children and launched this journey I was about to begin. I was determined to produce a hardbound book featuring adorable characters wearing hearing aids and cochlear implants. I was determined to create something so visually appealing that hopefully ALL children would want to read this book. And I was determined that this book would be of the quality that would proudly sit on the shelves next to Eloise and Fancy Nancy. My goal included giving back and making a difference by donating a percentage of sales to organizations that generously and tirelessly support children with hearing loss.

It’s now two years later and I am overwhelmed with the results. I am extremely proud of Let's Hear It For Almigal and our reach is growing every day. There are countless rewards that have made this journey and its numerous learning curves so incredibly worthwhile and rewarding!

It's the eager and mesmerized faces of the hearing kiddos I read to in the's the questions they ask about hearing loss. (And of course they always want to know if Buster the mischievous poodle REALLY ran away with Almigal's cotton-candy pink cochlear implants and whether it’s true that Almigal forgot to remove her implants before jumping in the swimming pool?) It's the knowledge that Almigal is raising awareness and creating sensitivity towards all special needs in today's young minds and reminding our youngsters that we are all special in different ways! It's also about connecting with parents and sharing my experiences, helping any way I can. But nothing compares to getting an email from a parent telling me about their "Almigal" and thanking me for writing this book!

I am so appreciative of the support and enthusiasm Let's Hear It For Almigal has received in addition to the many wonderful awards Almigal has won. Our Mom's Choice Gold Award for "values and life lessons" was especially meaningful for us. Kudos to the amazing Mom’s Choice organization for selecting a book about a spunky little girl who desperately wants to hear “every single sound in the whole entire universe”.

Huge thanks to all of Almigal's friends and stay tuned for more Almigal adventures in the future. 

Sending love and hugs,

Wendy (Almigal’s proud mom)

PS…”Ali-my-gal” said quickly is Almigal!

More about Wendy: When her daughter Ali was born in 1977, doctors said she would never speak, due to a profound hearing loss. Now at 60-years-old Wendy has authored her first book, Let Hear it For Almigal (May 2012, Handfinger Press), featuring a precocious little girl wearing cotton-candy pink cochlear implants, based on Ali who has grown into a beautiful, self-confident, happily married woman with a masters degree in Social Work. As a advocate for children with hearing loss Wendy is advising new moms of children with hearing loss, reading to students in schools, speaking to various organizations, and working closely with leading cochlear implant surgeons. Based in South Florida,Wendy is a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, and is currently working on the sequel to Let’s Hear it for Almigal.

Wendy is giving away two signed copies of Let's Hear it for Almigal. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Contest is open to U.S. residents only and shall end in two weeks. New Age Mama is not responsible for lost or damaged items or any accidents resulting from said items. Winners will have 48 hours upon being notified to respond with their snail mail addresses, or a new winner will be chosen. *There was no reimbursement in any way or form for this post.*

Can't wait for the giveaway? Check out the webpage for buy links. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway