Monday, March 25, 2013

Herkimer Diamond Quartz

I am a rock hound. I have a enormous collection of crystals and geodes, some that stand a foot high and some that fit in the palm of my hand. The varieties range from quartz crystals to raw emeralds. Each one is beautiful and unique and each one has an energy all its own. Until recently, there was only one stone missing from my collection--The Herkimer Diamond. These stones are double terminated crystals grown in clay, and have such amazing clarity and brilliance, they were named after the diamond. Some people claim the Herkimer its the true birthstone for the Libra. In addition to being beautiful, Heriker Diamonds are greatly treasured for there healing aspects.  Because of their superior quality, they are often worn over the heart chakra and believed to help bring balance to your entire energetic system

Being both a Reiki practitioner and a quartz collector, getting one of these crystals has been on my do to list for awhile. The reason I didn't purchase a Herkimer Diamond sooner was because the prices were always outrageous.  A stone that was only a few carats would could cost upwards of  $200 or more. Luckily, I found a website called Herkimer Diamond Quartz, and they offer these unique stones at way below retail price and they are all Grade AA+ quality. I was even more fortunate to be chosen as one of a select few bloggers to receive one to review.

While I am an avid quartz collector, I still can't claim to be an expert. But this rock hound knows a pretty stone when I see one. The Herkimer Diamond I received sparkles with rainbows and has a several flecks of gold.  As someone who works in energy healing, I can also vouch for the healing qualities of the stone. When I hold it in my palm, I can feel the energy vibrating through it. It hums with a life all its own. You can choose to put your  Herkimer Diamond im a setting or leave it loose and simply enjoy the energy of the quartz.  No matter how you use your Herkimer Diamond, the Herkimer Diamond Quartz website  the best place to get the highest quality crystals at the best possible price.

 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.